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The Boogie Board

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  1. N

    Owner of a new F-50

    hey congrats on your mesa boogie f50! I own one, and i love it :) Im pretty sure hte popping sound you hear is only whn you change channels for the first time after turnign the amp on, right? I asked someone on a forum, and they told me not to worry about it.. so im guessing its alight...
  2. N

    F50 Problems Yet Again

    dude that sucks to hear my f50 hasnt had a problem sinve ive gotten it bout 3 months ago, and i carry it aroudn quite a bit! :p
  3. N

    How high can you set the gain on your F-50?

    ah nice to see so many f50 users here:p im new here, and i got a f50 about a month ago the f50 seems to be quite a noisy amp on average, so im guessing it'd probably give feedback when the gian is set so high lol and **** you people :( i rarely get to crank mine up. Like the TS, i dont have...