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  1. C

    Mesa F-100 tone to the bone!!!!

    Hello to you all, I just gotta brag on my F-100. I played a huge gig last night for a Cancer Relay for life, and I used my F-100 live for the first time. WOW!!! That baby cooked! EVERYONE commented on how rich and full the tone was. I used the clean channel set to that Fenderish tone, and the...
  2. C

    Which cheap V for me?

    The differences between the regular Gibby V from the Faded is simply the finish. The regular V has a gloss finish. They BOTH have Mahogany wood with rosewood fretboards. Of course, price is the most obvious difference. Chuck Stardust
  3. C

    MESA F-100 is ROCK SOLID!

    Yes! You are exactly correct. The fuse blew.. :o .I neglected to mention that :roll: . A potential troublesome oversight on my part. Anyway, You must know about the F series amps. It is my first Mesa, and I LOVE it. I am now a Mesa fan. The tubes were dated 2002 if that helps anyone. They held...
  4. C

    What's happening to my Road King?

    I would suspect the power tubes 6L6 or the EL34...whichever the case may be. Try tapping on the tube and listening for a harsh noise Place the amp on standby for a minute or two, then watch the large tubes (Power tubes) as you switch from standby to on. If one is glowing stronger or weaker...
  5. C

    MESA F-100 is ROCK SOLID!

    I gotta say it to those of you that already know...MESA is a TANK! My power tubes failed me and I just KNEW that I had blown a capacitor or something more serious. Well, I bought some new 6L6 tubes, changed em all, and man, that baby sounds farkin fantastic! Here is my testimonial...I was...
  6. C

    New Mesa owner!

    Wow, What a site! You guys are the coolest. Thanks for the warm welcome. Hopefully I may get to see some of your bands. I am starting up again in a classic rock band but I wanna write some heavy stuff to. I am just getting into the meat of this F-100 and am I ever impressed! No doubt, it is the...
  7. C

    New Mesa owner!

    Man Hal. I heard your sound clips...FREAKIN FANTASTIC! You are D*#N GOOD! How do you guys come up with that stuff? I love heavy metal but when I write songs....well, I sound like Boston or Journey, sometimes The Cars. They're all great bands, but I am in a rut. I can't get that chunk, well I...
  8. C

    New Mesa owner!

    I am an old man with a new amp and I feel 15 again! I just bought a used F-100 and I am so in love with this amp! I wanted a good amp and man, I got it now. I was browsing the net and found this site. You young dudes ROCK! I hope I can get some of these heavy sounds you all are getting. I am...