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  1. G

    Any one ever use an Amp gizmo?

    I have heard nothing but good things about the amp gizmo and RJM Music. However, I contacted him a while ago about buying an amp gizmo to control my Roadster and they were out of stock. I got the impression that he is now concentrating his efforts on the RG-16 which has the same functionality...
  2. G

    Roadster sustain

    Thank you all for your suggestions. I will experiment with the presence and tone controls when I get a chance. Of course, being a gear junkie I almost ordered the Tone Press right away but I think I'll hold off until after I have experimented a bit with what I have.
  3. G

    Roadster sustain

    I use my roadster primarily at home for practice and I am looking to get more sustain out of the clean channels at low volumes. Can anyone suggest a solution? I suspect I need a pedal in front of the amp but I am not sure which one will work best?
  4. G

    Just lovin this Roadster

    I picked up my Roadster the day after Christmas and have been amazed at the range of tones the thing can generate. I use it at home for practice and it sounds sweet at any volume. Just today I wired my G-major in the effects loop and things are working great. I can't imagine anyone not being...
  5. G

    New Roadster and Questions

    Yesterday I picked up my new Roadster 2x12 combo after a wait of about 6 weeks. OMFG, this thing is a monster! The tonal variations it can generate seem limitless and the channels maintain their character even at low "bedroom" levels. Seriously, and I know this sounds like a cliche, but I...
  6. G

    Roadster wait

    About a month ago I ordered a Roadster 2x12 at a local store. They predicted a 2-3 week wait but that has come and gone. Now the sales guy tells me that he has called the factory rep twice to get an estimated delivery date but his calls have not been returned. Can someone suggest how long I...
  7. G

    Roadster popping

    Thanks for the replies. I should have known about putting the amp on standby for a few seconds before powering it off. My Fender Twin has the same bahavior if I do not shut it off properly. This weekend our local guitar store is hosting a Mesa factory rep. I will be interested to talk to...
  8. G

    Roadster popping

    I tried a Roadster today (2 x12 combo) at the local shop and was very impressed. This amp is versitile and I am jonesing one badly. However, when I turned it off there was a loud popping sound. That occurred regardless of which channel was active. Has anyone heard this before? Thanks.