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The Boogie Board

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  1. nostatic

    V:35 effects loop questions (looper-related)

    So after RTFM, I get it - the "master" is at the end of the preamp chain and not post efx loop. So the power tubes get whatever the efx loop sends them with no on-amp attenuation. I can make that work, just have to think different...
  2. nostatic

    V:35 effects loop questions (looper-related)

    So I just brought home a V:35 combo (still going back and forth on combo vs head/cab as I try to keep weight of individual pieces as low as possible) and dig the tones. I'm a long-time Boogie player, going back to the 80's and a variety of Studio 22s and Mark 3s. So I ran my pedal board through...