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  1. N

    Mark V & Pedals.

    I use a muff in front of tweed mode quite a bit. Sounds great. I use Tweed mode as my base sound and color it with a variety of fuzz/drive pedals.
  2. N

    Mark V with Static noises

    I had a very similar issue, which was resolved by a local tech. He was a little vague in his info but I did get out of him that it was a resistor somewhere.
  3. N

    rapid channel switching problem

    My Mark V head started acting strange today, mainly involving the eq and channels 1 and 3. When I have the 5-band eq on both channel 1 and channel 3 and I switch to channel 3, the relays will start chattering and the amp will cut out as it tries to rapidly switch between channels 1 and 3...
  4. N

    4x12 vs 2x12

    I run my Mark V through a Marshall 1960A right now and I'm pretty happy with the sound. However, I'm not thrilled with having to haul the 4x12. I have a potential trade for a Mesa 2x12... Is this a good trade in the opinion of the board? Will the two be comparable in tone at all? Thanks for...
  5. N

    Tweed mode

    My new favorite! One of my bands does a classic rock/jam thing and this mode @ 45 watts with a tiny amount of preamp gain and a boost as needed is so sweeeeet. I tried it on a whim at practice the other night and couldn't stop grinning. I had some remorse over spending the amount I did on...
  6. N

    New Metallica Single and Sound

    A lot of things can happen to a guitar tone when mixing/mastering. A lot of times you're cutting bass frequencies to make room for the bass guitar, cutting certain high frequencies to gel with the cymbals/vocals, etc. Then mastering, particularly with Metallica, just squashes the entire thing...
  7. N

    Line 6 DL4 solution?

    Thanks for the advice, everyone. I ended up just going for it and trading the DL4 for a DelayLab. I'm glad to report that the DelayLab works great in the loop of the Mark V. No tone suckage and a pretty sweet pedal overall.
  8. N

    Line 6 DL4 solution?

    Has anyone had any luck with a vox delay lab? I have a trade offer for the DL4... it seems better from everything I've read online, but i can't find any specific experiences using it in the loop of a Mark V.
  9. N

    Line 6 DL4 solution?

    Yeah, I should probably move on to another pedal. I used to record with the POD and had a few delay sounds from it that developed into songs. I thought the DL4 could be used to capture them but with the real tone of the V instead of the amp models in the POD. This thing has a pretty drastic...
  10. N

    Line 6 DL4 solution?

    Thank you. Yeah, I knew that it was instrument level. I'm just hoping to hear from someone that has definitely found a solution that works before I start shelling out money for line level adapters, etc...
  11. N

    Line 6 DL4 solution?

    Hello, all. Has anyone found a solution that definitely works for instrument level pedals like the DL4 in the loop? I can get it to work without any breakup by lowering the loop level, but I still get a pretty good dulling of the tone and drop in volume when I kick it in. I've read up on the...
  12. N

    Mark v clean channel problem

    Thanks, all. It's with the tech now, so we'll see how bad the damage (both the amp and financially) is in a few days, I guess.
  13. N

    Mark v clean channel problem

    So, I bought a used mark v about three months ago. Love it. Then two days ago, channel 1 starts making popping/static sounds, even with nothing plugged into the input. I replaced all tubes but the rectifier it's still happening. Any guesses? It only happens on channel one and I have tried every...