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  1. N

    Mesa Mark V 35 Combo Noise problem

    Hi Mesa-Community, since yesterday, my Mark V 35 Combo makes the following noise: It appears when no guitar is plugged in, but it get's louder when I connect a guitar to the amp and start to turn up the guitars volume poti. The noise is way louder on the lead...
  2. N

    Mark V 35 Combo Cabclone Problem

    @Dodgion: I'm gonna follow your advice :-) Cheers !
  3. N

    Mark V 35 Combo Cabclone Problem

    Hi there, sorry, this is quite embarrassing, but I just found out that the problem came from the XLR-cable; there's some problem with the XLR-male plug, it seems to work just when pulling the whole plug a bit up...when i tested the cable in another setup, the plug seemed to be accidentally just...
  4. N

    Mark V 35 Combo Cabclone Problem

    Hi, the headphone Output works fine....
  5. N

    Mark V 35 Combo Cabclone Problem

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this Forum, hoping someone can help me... I got my Mark V 35 Combo a few days ago, it's an awesome amp with great possibilities of different sounds, so far I'm really satisfied. But: Yesterday I tried to connect the in-build CabClone to my Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 with a...