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  1. G

    Mark V:35 - too quite for drummer

    Where is your 750 GEQ slider at? If that is set too low/bottomed out, then anything will eat a Mark Series lunch.
  2. G

    Recommendations for loop switcher

    I have an ES-8 that works fantastic with my Mark V and all my pedalboard effects.
  3. G

    Back to the big daddy Mark V

    Channel 3 on my amp has been on Mark IV mode since I bought it. It is absolutely the most juicy and guttural sound I have ever gotten from an amp... Even from my Mark IV!!! No metal here tho.. I play Fusion, Jazz, Blues, Rock, and Latin. This amp nails them all.
  4. G

    JP-2C and Mark V back to back video

    I know what you mean. I had a Triaxis and a Mark IV, yeah they do have the sound for sure. I am not that much of a JP or DT fan and I don't really share any tone settings with them but I love the Mark series amps. So I always get interested in any new variants. Thank you!
  5. G

    JP-2C and Mark V back to back video

    Cool thanks for the info! I don't really use the IIC mode on my V. Channel 3 lives on Mark IV, but the 2C is definitely interesting. I do wish the V had MIDI!
  6. G

    JP-2C and Mark V back to back video

    So this is much closer in tone than I was led to believe by all of the reviews I have read. To the point where I don't know why I would go out of my way to try one out over my V. Is it a feel thing?
  7. G


    I play Stratocasters in the SSS format with low output single coils. Subsequently the gain on channel 3 is dimed and there is plenty of noise. The bright side is I am already accustomed to hitting the clean channel between songs, turning down my volume etc because single coils are noisy as...
  8. G

    Channel 3 not working correctly on Mark V

    By the sound of it, you might be correct about it taking a hit during transit. It might be time to make a claim with the shipper. Did you ship it insured?
  9. G

    Overly trebly and missing low end

    Good to hear! I am glad you got it figured out:)
  10. G

    Overly trebly and missing low end

    All my guitars have single coil pickups in an SSS configuration, which is usually not a good combination for high gain playing. I run my channel bass much higher than recommended and haven't run into too much issue with flub. I run my bass just past the noon mark on channel 3. I was not...
  11. G

    Overly trebly and missing low end

    I had a similar fight with the amp when I first got it. I am assuming you are talking about channel three and perhaps channel one/any mode but mark I. Can you post your settings?
  12. G

    Does anyone use Extreme?

    When I was looking at the Mark V, I was also considering buying another Mark IV instead as I stupidly sold my MIV Widebody combo 6 years ago and regretted it ever since. What swayed me to the Mark V was the much improved second channel and second master volume/Solo boost feature and the...
  13. G

    Overdrive Pedals for Mark V 25

    I don't have a MV25, but I do have a V. I play with low output single coil pickups in an SSS configuration. At low volumes, I don't get enough output from the pickups so I put a drive (Maxon OD808) or booster (Xotic EP Booser) in front of the amp with just enough to bring the output into...
  14. G

    Great night out with the V25 tonight

    The cutting mids/high-mids on my Mark V (And getting a drummer who is able to control his volume) have ended the volume wars for my band :mrgreen:
  15. G

    Great night out with the V25 tonight

    Not just guitar players... We just fired a drummer who seemed to enjoy hearing damage. He just had to spend 1800 on replacement cymbals because he bashed all of his previous ones until they were all cracked.
  16. G

    Spare fuses for MKV

    I used to go through fuses in my MB Roadster in the studio by diming the mids and blasting the amp so I had to change fuses a few times. Haven't needed to do that with this amp (Mark V) however.
  17. G

    Spare fuses for MKV

  18. G

    Looking to go Wireless....maybe...

    When I am on big enough stages, I use a Shure ULX. It's the best wireless I have ever used.
  19. G

    Does anyone use Extreme?

    I don't like the Extreme setting with my strats (single coils) even with a boost pedal.