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The Boogie Board

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    Mark V25 to Powered Monitor?

    Hey guys thanks for your help. I almost bought a powered monitor and then I decided to take the hour ride to the nearest Boogie dealer and we discussed a couple of options. He said that the cab clone out to a powered monitor will work but I will probably have to readjust my settings on my head...
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    Mark V25 to Powered Monitor?

    I recently got a Mark V 25 and I am wanting to play with my backing tracks at bedroom volumes without wearing a headset. I googled this topic a bunch of times and finally came across a post on another board where a guy used the cabclone from his Mark V to XLR out to a powered Tannoy speaker...
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    Trainwreck Mod on Rocket 44

    I have been looking at Trainwreck style amps and probably going to get one in the next few months or so and while researching I came across this video and thought it would be of interest. This works on all blackface style amps including Boogies. Had the work done...
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    Things to check when buying a DC-5?

    I am still a little new when it comes to tube amps and I have been enjoying the Rocket44 I got earlier in the year and started looking for a studio 22 or a DC2 for playing at lower volumes. Sure enough I came across a ridiculously low priced DC-5 that I have to check out because it is that...
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    Rocket 44 Settings

    There are not a lot of threads about the Rocket44 and thought it might not be a bad idea to set up a thread for us to exchange ideas for settings that we like. Maybe it might be helpful as I am still playing around with the dials and notice something new pretty much every time I plug in. Here...
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    Mesa Boogie Rocket 44

    The more I play with my amp the more I learn about the different sounds I can get out of it. I learned the first week I had my rocket that my tone could go from just plain awful to awesome. My G& L Legacy allows me to adjust the treble and bass so I mainly use my guitar to make subtle...
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    RE Caliber 22 or Rocket 44

    Well I got a scare when I heard an awful buzz but turned out to be one of the preamp tubes. The one cool thing about all of this is that the tech at Mesa returned my call and he treated me like I bought a new amp from them yesterday. I replaced the EL84s and same problem so I took my amp to the...
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    Mesa Boogie Rocket 44

    After months of research and trying out a bunch of different amps I finally found my Boogie! I picked up a Rocket 44 with a 12" Celestion Black Widow in mint condition for $525. I plugged my Legacy into it today for about an hour and a half and I felt the walls shake on the lead channel with the...
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    RE Caliber 22 or Rocket 44

    Thanks Jeff242 for the feedback on the H&K. I was curious of the reason H&Ks seem readily available on ebay and craigslist and open box available moreso than other heads and amps at Musicians Friend, Guitar Center and Full Compass. Your response makes a lot of sense and is probably the reason...
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    RE Caliber 22 or Rocket 44

    I am new here and came across The Boogie Board searching for an amp. I always wanted a Boogie when I was a teen but they were way out of my budget back then. They still kind of are but I am playing again as part of my mid life crisis stage LOL. I was thinking of getting a Hughes Kettner...