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  1. H

    Strip-down channel switching

    gaddem! that's exactly it. thanks a lot! :o
  2. H

    Strip-down channel switching

    hm.. I see. hey, thanks for the offer! I think I'm gonna go rethink some things. I'll definitely let you know if I decide on it on a later stage. Thanks for the help anyway :)
  3. H

    Strip-down channel switching

    thanks for reply! you mean like an AB-switch, the way some guys switch between several amps?
  4. H

    Strip-down channel switching

    I apologize if this has been covered in another thread, but when I tried to find any threads on it, I just got people talking about the giant midi swithing systems, and that's not what I'm after. So: First, let me just say that I don't know a lot about midi switching, but I was wondering: I...