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  1. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    thanks, RussB and DMR; most appreciated!
  2. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    My "fickleness" regarding my amps is driven, right now, by the fact that I was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. (Not playing the pity card here... it was found early, stage 1, and the cure rate is 80-90%, so my prognosis is about as good as it could be, given my specific cirumstances.) So... I...
  3. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    Ordered a pair of EL34's from Mesa. They came in yesterday. Pulled the 6L6's... And threw in the EL34's... And... yee-haw! I really prefer EL34's to 6L6's, so I'm a happy camper, right about now. I had listed this amp on CL, because I thought I'd thin the herd. But after hearing this amp...
  4. L

    Single rectifier any good?

    Pretty sure the Series 1 only has two modes on.the red channel while the Series 2 has three modes.
  5. L

    Single rectifier any good?

    There is no "lag" when channel switching via foot pedal on my Series II... none whatsoever. Must admit... hadn't paid any attention to it, but after reading the above post, fired up the amp and stomped on the foot pedal numerous times and went from green to red to green to red... no lag a'tall...
  6. L

    Single Solo 50 Series 2 pre-amp tubes

    Yeah... I rolled GL and Mullard RI 12AX7's into V1 today and there was really no impact on the green channel. I think my issue is that some of the modes sound OK at low volume, and some need some ooomph to get their mojo happening.
  7. L

    Single rectifier any good?

    I can't compare the Single to the Dual... I've read that the Single's gain is a tad less gainy, but am no expert on the two. I have a Single (Series 2) and think it's an incredible amp. The main "pro" for me would be cost... I picked up my Single about a month ago for $600 on Craigslist. All the...
  8. L

    Single Solo 50 Series 2 pre-amp tubes

    So here's the chart from the manual: Can anyone accurately identify or map the chart to the different modes; Clean, Pushed, Raw, Vintage, Modern? I realize that more is going on than just tubes, or assume such... but I get some weird tone changes going on when I move from mode to mode...
  9. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    I love both amps. Still reveling in the Solo 50. I'm really liking the low volume tones... higher gain settings seem to lose some of the high gain at really low volume settings. What would sound like high gain at higher volumes, simply sounds like low gain at lower volumes. Which, honestly...
  10. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    And it's posts like yours that make it a "great" thread! Thanks for sharing... for real. Your last few sentences "say" it all. Being a full-blown Marshall subscriber... I was totally shocked by how effin' great the Solo 50 is. I've been playing it every night. I fire up the 1987 too... but end...
  11. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    The big iron amps just sound better to me. Hard to quantify, but they do. Certainly, the higher headroom is not hard to quantify. Cleans with -authority- on a 50 watter with big iron and big bottles. Not knocking the mini amps... they are wonderful amps and I'm sure the Mini Recto is a great...
  12. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    Ah, yes... how silly of me to even consider 50w -too much- for a 20 yr old self-thought rawk stah. lol. Must be all the time I spend hanging out over on TGP. Small amps seem to rule over there. Me? I like the big iron, although I -do- consider 50w big iron, regardless of what the guys rolling...
  13. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    And the younger person is walking away because... 50w is too much or too little? Glad I'm not your average older person! I'll admit, I did not have high expectations for this amp; so glad I took a chance on it because I think it may be my best bang-for-the-buck amp buy ever.
  14. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    Yeah, forgot to mention mine is a series 2. I've never used an effects loop before... I have a TC Flashback... may try it, if for nothing more than trying it out to see (hear) any differences from just throwing it in front. I am loving this amp; surprised there isn't more noise made about them...
  15. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    Forgot to mention mine is a Series 2 also. You got a combo? What speaker? Is that a Recto-verb? I thought the Rectifier Solo 50 only came in head format. I've been mostly playing a Gibby Melody Maker with one bridge single coil pup. I think it's a fairly hot passive pup. Talk about yer glassy...
  16. L

    NAD - Rectifier Solo 50

    Hey... new member to this board. Been a regular over on TGP for about three years. Ex-drummer just entertaining myself with playing at home. After about three years of buying and flipping amps... kind of a hobby in itself, I realized I was a "Marshall" guy. So I bought a hand-wired Marshall...