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The Boogie Board

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    EP Booster

    You might want to put it last in your chain, I did to mine so its just a boost (even after time-based effects like my carbon copy)
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    EP Booster

    I love mine as well, remember those dip-switches in the back of the pedal! I have a treble boost and no bass boost.
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    Clean boost / EQ for my Express 5:25 1x12

    I'll second this. I work in a music shop in Richmond, VA. We got like 5 of these little guys on order and within two days or so, they were gone. I promised myself as soon as they came back in I would snag one. I did and I basically leave it on it sounds so D*&^ good!! T
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    Can we talk 12" speakers for the 5:25?

    Hey guys, new here. I have an express 5:50, and i'm playing neo-soul, funk, and jazz through it. I find that the amp is too dark for my tastes and what I "hear" my sound to be is a nice chimey clean, sort of like a Fender Blues Deluxe, or a Deville. However, i'm not about to go buy another amp...