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  1. T

    NOS tubes-update

    I understand your frustration and I always spend the time on the phone with clients who call to find out exactly what their needs are and what type of equipment they are using etc. This should have been done with you. I also think it highly pecuilar that you received 2 bad tubes. Anyway, if you...
  2. T

    NOS tubes-update

    Communicating the type of amp in which the tubes will be used is the customers responsibility. If you use a hi gain amp then we need to know so we can noise test the tubes accordingly. Tube testers are very useful as the reveal problems with tubes and relative strength but the ultimate test is...
  3. T

    NOS tubes-update

    1st, let me say that I agree and disagree with the above comment about the testing of tubes in the "real world". Just because you use a "high gain" amp does not mean this is "the real world". If I noise test a pre-amp tube in a Fender black face and you use a Boogie Stilleto, then this means the...
  4. T

    NOS tubes-update

    Yes they are a fixed bias amp, so again I suggest calling Mesa on this one. Perhaps one of the NOS tubes you installed was the wrong tube type. I have always found them extremely helpful as well as knowledgable. I love my mark II C+, and they did a knock up job on it. There tubes are...
  5. T

    NOS tubes-update

    To the best of my knowledge pre-amp tubes don't cause the power tubes to glow red, it has to do with the stability of the power tube, how much current it is drawing and where the bias of the amp is set. I may be wrong, but this has been our expereince. When buying NOS power tubes the...
  6. T

    Opinions on 6V6s

    THE reference 6V6 is of course the RCA 6V6GTA. Also, in all the comparisons/shootouts these come in first, with Brimar coming in a close second. RCA are the only way to go,,, in my opinion.
  7. T

    NOS tubes-update

    Sorry to hear about your experience with KCA. My opinion, as a tube dealer, is that NOS tubes make a huge difference in the quality of tone, and they way the guitar sounds when running through the amp, as well as the quality of distortion. Most, reputable tube dealers will noise test their...