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The Boogie Board

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  1. 92hatchattack

    If you could...

    SRV's #1 for sure! With the 13 gauge strings n everything!
  2. 92hatchattack

    F 30 Q.

    ^^^ i just recentply got my self an f-30 as well and im loving it! Yeah, shes loude, and i think that 30 watts may be even underrated. I can say that she stands proud and loud against my friends 100watt solid state 1x12 combo. Ive never owned any other tube amp before so this is my first, but...
  3. 92hatchattack

    Buzz in my Boogie???? F-Series????

    ^^^ A call to Mesa today confirmed to me that their customer service is good. I explained the issue i was having and the rep. said that is was not how the mesa amp should be. Apon the arival of my new amp he told me to fill out the waranty and send it to mesa, at which point if i still have the...
  4. 92hatchattack

    Can the F-series do Metal/Metalcore?

    since this in in refrence to f-series in gonna chime in with my f-30..which i think has some killer distortion and alot of chunk in it. I know it runs diffrent tubes than the f-50, and have not had the oportunity to playt he f-50 so i really cant compare. Maybe i havent been exposed to much but...
  5. 92hatchattack

    Buzz in my Boogie???? F-Series????

    ^^^ Thanks man. I tried removing the tube sheild to see if they were creating the noise, but that didnt help, and neither did touching the tubes to see if they were vibrating in their sockets. I did get a dampening of the sound with touching one of the tubes, but it did not eliminate it...
  6. 92hatchattack

    Buzz in my Boogie???? F-Series????

    im a 99.9% sure that it has nothing at all to do with the electronics of the amp or guitar. The vibration was present from everything from a strat to a jackson. Def. i pysical vibration i think . We plugged the amp into an external cabinet. When the cabinet was close to the f-30 i was geting...
  7. 92hatchattack

    Buzz in my Boogie???? F-Series????

    Just last week i purchased my first Mesa/Boogie amp, the F-30. I really love what this compact combo can do. The versitility of the amp is great and the combination of tones seems endless. I have always wanted a Boogie after plugging into one a number of years back. Problem is, im hearing a...