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The Boogie Board

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  1. R

    Rock Fusion Jam MkIII Mesa, Custom 24 PRS, Tube screamer Tell us what ya think
  2. R

    Amazing MkIII tone!!!!

    Hmmm. I agree putting an EQ pedal through the effects loop can give you a lot more tonal options. But I dont think making 2 V shapes is a great way to get your tone. Completely ripping out the mids seems to make the tone quite thin and harsh. Perhaps all right for metal rythm but not how the amp...
  3. R

    Looking for an Alternative to FU-3 footswitch

    This is a pedal board I made for my MKiii. Just buy some footswitches from your local electronics store. Wire them up to a standard shielded cable, stick a jack on the end and plug them into the rear footswitch holes. Then just mount the switches in a box.
  4. R

    My Mkiii Don't Sound right

    Did a few gigs on the weekend. Replaced 2 preamp tubes and tweeked the EQ alot. There it was. That tone I know and love. Thanks for your responses, I think I'm OK now. FOUND MY TONE!.
  5. R

    Mark III combo weight?

    30Kg or about 66 pounds. One the heaviest combos you will ever lift. But worth the effort.
  6. R

    My Mkiii Don't Sound right

    Thanx for the suggestions. Ihave checked the reverb leads and they are definately in th right way. The problem seems to be the lead channel. It just does not sound like other boogies I have played. I am a very experienced player and have owned and used many amps. With my 50 calibre I used to be...
  7. R

    My Mkiii Don't Sound right

    Hi I'm new to this forum and would like some feedback. I have just purchased a MKiii simulclass combo with EQ, Reverb & EV Blackshadow. It has had a voltage selector switch and a couple of extra footswitch jacks for the EQ & Reverb installed and appears to be in very good condition. The problem...