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The Boogie Board

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  1. T

    Overall unsatisfied with my Roadster

    Hey guys, I recently just purchased a used Roadster. Got to take to my lockout and jam on it for a bit. Channel 3+4 in modern (which are cloned I'm assuming) sound awesome. HUGE sound that I love about the Rectifier series. I then flipped to vintage and raw modes, and to say the least, I was...
  2. T

    Tube noise

    I should definitely re-state this. This doesn't sound like a NORMAL sound a tube amp makes. I wish I could explain it. What's a good way of testing the tubes if they are bad?
  3. T

    Tube noise

    Hey guys, Sorry if this sounds like a noob question, but I have never really heard this on another amp. When I play, I can actually here the tubes almost rattling as if they were some kind of hum when I play. its not coming from the speaker, but from the tubes themselves. is this normal?