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  1. D

    Springsteen's Mesa

    In the video it looks like a Mk III rackmount with a Tweed Bassman thrown in for old times sake, but you are right that not much info exists on line about the Boss's stage equipment. I am a bit of a fan of Ampeg amps, and had to buy some duets of Philips NOS 7027A a couple of years ago from...
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    Mark III questions.

    Bummer. Maybe the power supply needs some readings and see how stable it is. As I have said before, I think I will eventually get some of my looked at, but it sounds pretty good. FWIW, I have had a Savage Audio product, and it was well put together. Have you contacted them about getting an...
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    Mark III questions.

    Kwirk, Those mods do sound a bit whack. For sure in simulclass mode, my amp is quieter, but not too quiet. I did change a few of the preamp tubes around and ended up with a much better sounding amp. I also had a few Tesla EL34 and Philips 7581A tubes around that behave well under major load in...
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    Mesa 1x12 Thiele for bass?

    Excellent for the midrange component of a recorded bass sound. I would think a 15" version of the cabinet would be excellent for a practice amp though you could try using a speaker that would handle the lower frequencies.
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    What is the best amp you have ever heard or played?

    I was wondering when someone was going to mention Hiwatt. For my top 3: -Hiwatt DR103. The amp loves pedals and stays mean & clean with a ton of aggression. I first started out with a 1979 50 watt combo, but the 100 watt head is even better though hard to stay in the same room when fully...
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    For the fender guru's...

    The circuits are pretty different from each other. The tone stack seems richer on an original 6G16 Vibroverb than the 1964 1x15 Blackface version. On the earlier model, the amp seems less scooped sounding with better overdrive and vibrato. The earlier version has the same set of...
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    Mark III questions.

    New to the board, so please excuse any faux pas: my guess is the mods would be as follows: -Reverb has probably been bypassed to add a control for the R2(crunchy rhythm voice)mode. Taking out the reverb also increases the gain within the amp, and reverb is generally thought of as a tone sucker...