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  1. K

    Mark V woes

    UPDATE: I had the techs contact Mesa, and apparently the problem warrants getting a brand new amp! I'm very excited to say the least, and if this is an indication of how Mesa treats its customer base I will absolutely be buying more... it doesn't hurt that the Mark Five is probably the best amp...
  2. K

    what is the serial number on your mark v

    Mine's #3038, but I've sent it back to Boogie and they're replacing it... new number to follow! W.
  3. K

    Mark V woes

    He's had the amp back since, because I sent it back a second time once I noticed the noise issue. Either way, I'll be contacting Boogie within the week... gonna have to sort something out soon. W.
  4. K

    Mark V woes

    Hey guys, I've owned my Mark V head since March of 2011, and I'm definitely a fan of the tones that it offers and the flexibility of each channel. However, I'm starting to become convinced that I got a lemon, and I'm simply curious as to whether anyone else on the board has had the following...