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The Boogie Board

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  1. M

    What pedal to boost Ch.2 for solos etc . .

    Hey guys, What overdrive pedals would you recommend for layering on a triple rectifiers 2nd channel for either versatility for more grunt / or to add with the amps solo boost function for a better lead sound ? There is alot of talk of 808's . . Anything else ? I own . . Paul Cochran TIM...
  2. M

    "The Outfield" on a Dual Rectifier

    Back in Australia when I gig I use my triple rec on channel 2, with my old boss dimension C pedal with some delay, it's mega 80's!! I love it!
  3. M

    NEW VIDEO: Dual Vs Triple Rectifier A/B Comparison

    Thanks for the video post ! It's very subtle differences in the video - but people on forums often discuss gear / tone topics that to my ears as more subtle than what I heard in the dual/triple comparison video! For lack of a better word, in my opinion I think the triple sounds 'bigger'...
  4. M

    How loud 'should' a Triple Rec be ??

    Pat, thank you so much. Looks like it was simply the FX loop knobs on the back were backed down as you suggested. . . Should I just have them maxed out ? I dont have anything in the loop. . . Thanks!
  5. M

    How loud 'should' a Triple Rec be ??

    Thanks mate. I guess the simplied question would be should it be able to keep up with a 100w plexi type amp ? Because it was pretty far off from my JMP and Wizard Modern Classic if you compare the volume knobs in the same position - but got told the amp was 'mint' when I got it . . . So I'm...
  6. M

    How loud 'should' a Triple Rec be ??

    Hey guys, Purchased my first mesa boogie - a 2nd hand 3 channel Triple Rec and matching 4x12 cab. Sounds great!!! I'm unsure how old the tubes are and unsure if I was using the amp correctly at my gig last night. . . Just used 2 channels, green master on 10, orange channel (modern mode, gain...
  7. M

    How big a part does the room play in your tone?

    Hey guys, I registered an account here so I could put my reply in here!! Yeah rooms do make a noticeable different for sure, however . . . . As years as a full time live engineer, playing and doing sound in countless 'cover band venues' (no arenas or anything hehe) across my state doing tiny...