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  1. S

    Ran the Mark V through an Egnater 2x12 cab.

    I'm running my Mark V combo through my Egnater Tourmaster 4X12 half stack loaded with four V30's and I absolutely love it! It totally transforms the tone and "feel" through a bigger cab.
  2. S

    MARK V through an Egnater 4X12 Tourmaster Half Stack

    Today I had the chance to play my MARK V through an Egnater 4X12 Tourmaster half stack with four Celestion V30's. The tone and fullness of the sound was AMAZING! It was the first time I've played my MKV through a big cabinet and it really opened up the sound. Then again just about everything...
  3. S

    Electro Voice EVM12L Classic Guitar Speaker for a MARK V?

    Thanks for the feedback. I think they are one of the best all around 12" speakers made.
  4. S

    Electro Voice EVM12L Classic Guitar Speaker for a MARK V?

    In the past I've had huge love for EVM12L speakers (200W rating). In my opinion they are one of the best all around 12" high powered speakers I've ever used. I've used them successfully in 1X12 combo, 2x12 and 4x12 cabs. I've seen them used very successfully in old MARK combo's. Does anyone...