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  1. B

    Troubles with DR solo head.

    I tried to change cable and i bought a di marzio with tissue sheat, and now either problems not appears! Hoping for future:) Thank you all!
  2. B

    Troubles with DR solo head.

    ok.. but, sorry for my ignorance :) why a cable went microphonic? what is the physic differences between?
  3. B

    Troubles with DR solo head.

    can you show me the right cable?
  4. B

    Troubles with DR solo head.

    here a little video to explain better the problem: I've just try to change some different cables, but the problem remains. The cable of video is a neutrik cable and all the tins in either jacks are perfect. In the video you can see that the noise...
  5. B

    Troubles with DR solo head.

    HI, since i bought my DR (used), i've 2 problems.. - Expecially in distortion mode (but also in clean) if i shake the cable, some noises appers from the system. It sounds like a microphone shake in hand, a little "stik" every time the cable hits the floor. I just tried to change cable, check...
  6. B

    Effects loop

    Hi, i'm Teo and i'n new here.. I bought a Mesa DR solohead just 2 weeks ago. I'm trying to use an old Yamaha Gep 50 with the Loop effect circuit just for simple effets like delay, compressor, reverb... I've connected all right, but i dont know if is it normal to have a little volume loss when...