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  1. B

    Mark V and G Major 2/effects loop

    That did it! I don't know why the instructions say to use the in/out....I'm in the left (mono) like in the pictures and there it is! I have been going crazy trying to figure this out. Thanks man
  2. B

    Mark V and G Major 2/effects loop

    I think I need clarification on the 4 Cable Method here, especially after those pics... I had instrument cables going from the output on the far left, and the other from the input on the far right. Seems like I'm doing something way wrong here, as I had nothing plugged into any of the...
  3. B

    Mark V and G Major 2/effects loop

    Brand new cable so I haven't tried yet, but yes, please do post pics if possible. I've tried maxing the knobs on the g major and back of the amp, no change. Also have tried switching connections. BTW this is my 2nd g major, the first was the original and that was a "floor model" I got...
  4. B

    Mark V and G Major 2/effects loop

    Hmm...starting to get a little worried here. I thought maybe I was doing something glaringly wrong, or was missing something entirely. I'm not getting any variance in db's on the g major, I believe that is supposed to go up and down based on the signal. I've tried the "On All," no luck. Any...
  5. B

    Mark V and G Major 2/effects loop

    Yeah that's how I have it. Channel Select and Loop Assign are set to footswitch. Cables are connected where they should. Loop Active is switched up. When I have the FX loop lit on the footswitch, there's no sound (actually there is if I turn the output up in front but the effects aren't in the...
  6. B

    Mark V and G Major 2/effects loop

    Hey Guys, Just got a G Major 2 and am having some trouble getting sound out of it. I have it connected to the send/receive of the effects loop, and to the in/out of the G Major using instrument cables. I'm also using the Mark V foot switch. Is this the right way to set it up? Appears to be...