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The Boogie Board

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  1. S

    Post your rig part 2

    nice Dean Hardtail there
  2. S

    F50, GT8, Amp controller

    yep you would need a midi interface interface, can't use that footswith jack
  3. S

    FS - Line 6 PodXT Rig

    free bump
  4. S

    Mesa Single Rectoverb SRV

    try replacing the phase inverter tube V5 to a 12at7, this will lower the gain and maybe give you that SRV tone.
  5. S

    WTB single 12 Thiele cabinet

    yep they are hard to find...good luck
  6. S

    Getting a smoother lead tone from F-50

    I will try my fulldrive two in front of the clean channel always was good in front of Fender preamps
  7. S

    Trade My Dean USA Hardtail for your Boogie Amp

    I am looking for a trade, my Dean USA Hardtail for a Mesa amp of equal value. I just do not use this Dean much anymore, I am more of a Strat and Tele player. I have a F-50 combo, so looking for some other amp. Guitar valued at $1200 Face to Face deal only. Location is SE Michigan, NW Ohio...
  8. S

    Ruby 6L6's for my F-50

    I would at least change the Phase inverter driver tube which is V4, that is the one that should also be changes with new output tubes, it is one of the hardest working tubes in the amp.
  9. S

    New F-50 owner changed PI Driver tube

    I am really lovin my first Boogie, well Mesa. I recently scored one of the early f-50 Combos for 6 bills, it has the smaller 1-12 cab not the wide body. This amp sounded good as is with a set of gtubes put in by the previous owner, but you are always suppose to change your phase inverter tube...