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  1. V

    Mark V as a preamp

    Thanx man! I'll build one of this for me. I think it will resolve my problem.
  2. V

    Mark V as a preamp

    I am doing this. But I want to carry just the amp. not amp + cabinet. What if I remove the power tubes? I need to find a way to use the amp without the cabnet.
  3. V

    Mark V as a preamp

    Hi. I want to use my mark V just as a preamp (my output will be the FX SEND). How can I safely turn it on without a cab conected? If I let the MUTE switch turned on, will it be safe? Other doubt I have: Is it safe to turn on an amplifier on the STAND BY without a cabnet for a long period of...
  4. V

    I need help!!!

    I've tired to change the loop tube. I've replaced it with a working fine JJ tesla ecc83 from another amplifier. But the problem is still happening. I've talked to a good tube amplifier handmaker and I will take the amp for him to give a look. As soon as I have a answer from him I'll post it here.
  5. V

    I need help!!!

    the amp goes to the power conditioner and then to the wall with no adapters. Some times is just the channel 3. other it happens in all channels. I've tried to swap the cable but didn't work. I'll try now to replace the loop tube and hope to work.
  6. V

    I need help!!!

    Hi! I have a mkV about 2 months and it started some problem and I'm desperate because I have no technical assistance in Brazil. The problem started simply with the red led of channel 3. It simply goes off. Nothing happened to the sound so far. After some days, the sound started to fade out when...