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  1. D

    Petrucci's rig from tour with iron maiden

    ive seen in another pic of his mark v that he uses iic+ mode on channel...tried that setting and it was awesome i must say, very "dreamy" . now forget that terrible pun. besides his marks are probably there just to fulfill obligations to boogie haha hes been assimilated by the borg..err axefx
  2. D

    Incoming NAD!!

    Great! ,,,would you believe ive been playing nearly ten years and this will be my first tube amp? bet it makes that old solid state **** kicker sound like a donkey fart. also a minor should be here TOMORROW. updates to come!
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    Incoming NAD!!

    Just pulled the trigger on a mark v from a fellow forumite, can't wait for it to show up! :mrgreen: will update with pics!
  4. D

    NAD....MARK V

    wow thats awesome, sell me that hah
  5. D

    WTB: Mesa Mark V or Mark IV ...IN CANADA

    Heyy! awesome, great amp, thought id be waiting forever. Ill let you know in a few days, im just waiting to hear back about a mark v, so as soon as I find out ill let you know!
  6. D

    Anyway to find the age of a Mark IV?

    Great thanks this is exactly what im looking for!! I already know its a mark iv b just looking for the exact age.
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    Anyway to find the age of a Mark IV?

    Hey all, I searched around a bit before i posted but couldnt find anything so here goes.. is there any way to get the age of a mark iv from just the serial number? or any other indication on the amp itself? thanks!
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    FS: Mesa Mark V head

    Hey there, You said youre not looking to ship overseas, so how about Canada?
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    WTB: Mesa Mark V or Mark IV ...IN CANADA

    Ahh I wish!, but im about a 12 hour drive away from the nearest location! also if i can get one shipped here for ~1900 as opposed to 2800 thats a bonus! I actually found one here in the country a while ago that Im holding out for, but Im getting the feeling that its sold since I havent heard...
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    WTB: Mesa Mark V or Mark IV ...IN CANADA

    Still looking bump! Mark V only!
  11. D

    WTB: Mesa Mark V or Mark IV ...IN CANADA

    Anytime I add up the cost of importing one, it always has at least $200-250 in just taxes. Sometimes as much as $350. Then shipping something from the states is twice as much as shipping one from elsewhere inside canada. When you take the mark v for example, most are going for $1800-1900 usd...
  12. D

    FS/FT: Mark IVb Widebody Combo

    how do you feel about shipping this to canada?
  13. D

    WTB: Mesa Mark V or Mark IV ...IN CANADA

    Wanted to buy, within Canada, a mesa mark iv or mark v, head or combo. prefer the combo.