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The Boogie Board

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  1. B

    Looking for a used Electradyne head any sellers out there?

    I got one I may be willing to let go. Its 8 months old, only been played about 6 times in a smoke free home. What's your location
  2. B

    one week down... OD conversation to pass the time...

    Been using a ts808 with good results, sometimes an eq in the loop for a little volume boost as well. Add some delay and it just gets better.
  3. B

    How many of you are actually rehearsing/gigging with the ED?

    You know, I noticed the boomy bass on the blue channel at around 9-10 o clock using a marshall cabinet, but when I used a 4 ohm peavey cabinet I had to crank the bass to about 11-12 o clock and it was just right. Could be the room or a number of things. I'm also playing with the master...
  4. B

    How many of you are actually rehearsing/gigging with the ED?

    Hey MBJunkie, I use a charvel production model with 2 duncan humbuckers. The clean on the blue channel doesn't sound as pristine as the clean channel, but I'm used to single channel master volume marshalls where you only get close to clean when rolling the guitar volume back. I think the blue...
  5. B

    How many of you are actually rehearsing/gigging with the ED?

    I use a head thru an old 70's peavey 4-12 cab. This past weekend I stayed on the blue channel using only a ts-808 for clean boost, 6 band eq & DD-3 delay in the loop. Being the only guitar player, playing rhythm & lead. Didn't even need to use reverb, only rolling the guitar vol down for...
  6. B

    ED cabs/attentuators?

    New member and ED owner here. Really happy with my new head. Playing thru an old marshall 4x12 cab so far. Does anyone know if there is a mesa 1x12 cab for the long heads available? Most times the 4x12 is just too big for the places I play. Also is anyone using an attentuator for small clubs?