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The Boogie Board

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  1. E

    Help my Mark V won't turn on!

    I think it is the power tubes however I am not certain, I am going to try to replace all of them and maybe the rectifier tube, however I have one question. Will I have to re-bias my amp if I get the exact same power tubes and rectifier tubes as are in my amp now? EDIT: Nevermind, I'm an idiot...
  2. E

    Help my Mark V won't turn on!

    I turned it on and it was on for a second or two, I then turned and grabbed my guitar and when I turned around again it was off. I waited a minute or two, then I tried truning it on again, and it won't turn on. I checked both connections to the power cable and they are both in. I'm hoping it's...
  3. E

    Warranty help

    So today I decided to go ahead and fill out the paper that came with my Mark V for the five year warranty and I realized that whomever filled out the card that had the serial number of my amp on it had horrible handwriting. What I need to know is how many digits are in the serial numbers for...
  4. E


    ^This I also am needing some help with finding some settings for a good Santana sound particularly a "Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen" sound and a "Europa" sound. Any help will be profoundly appreciated.