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The Boogie Board

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  1. M

    New LSS Owner - Reeder?

    VS that makes total sense. I'm a high gain type of guy and we cover a few Santana songs in our band. The Mesa sound is absolutely REQUIRED to pull this off, and the built-in preamp gain is exactly what I'm looking for; gives me the sustain (that I LOVE so much). This discussion completely...
  2. M

    New LSS Owner - Reeder?

    Well, that's about as clear an explanation as anyone could expect - thanks so much for walking me through that; I believe I'll be keeping my new baby stock and working with the pots as they are. Thanks again! :mrgreen:
  3. M

    New LSS Owner - Reeder?

    Oh BABY! My sweetie got me one of these beauties for the Holiday and I was FLOORED! I'm still trying to come to terms with receiving this thing as a gift. In the meantime, I thought it might be prudent to peruse this board ('cause y'all were so helpful to me last year when I was considering...
  4. M

    Mark IIB - Value?

    I spoke with my teacher this morning and was able to acquire some additional information: Speaker: EVM12 Tubes: Only two (2) and they've been reoplaced four or five times since he's owned it. Serial Number: 5684 Date: 8.25.80 Reverb: Yes Don't know the wood, but it's more of a cherry color...
  5. M

    Mark IIB - Value?

    Wow - a lot of really great questions, and thanks! I've got a call in to my teacher, so I can supplement this post when I hear back from him. What I DO know is that it's a combo (can't believe I didn't mention that...) with a hardwood cabinet. I don't know the type of speaker, but he will...
  6. M

    Mark IIB - Value?

    Hi everyone - I'm brand new here (so go easy on me...). My guitar teacher has offered up his Mark IIb to me for private sale. I can't remember the exact serial number, but I'm pretty sure it's in the 9xxx's. It's got the EQ (you know - the one nobody ever uses... This one has one of the...