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  1. H

    Effect Question

    I agree........just a pain to switch guitars between songs.....I like to just take one guitar to a it all night long........less "dead air" that way.....
  2. H

    Effect Question

    anyone ever use, or heard used, a Rockman Acoustic Guitar pedal ? it's supposed to make your electric sound like an acoustic........ thought I owned every piece of "blue face" gear there was....never seen this one before...
  3. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    I agree with everything in that last post........except for the "couple of different guitars".....who needs more than a LesPaul ??? :wink: posting a new question in the main forum....let's see what response that gets ! again....THANKS TO EVERYONE !!!!!
  4. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    okay....the day after the 1st gig with this amp........I took along my line-6 as a back up.....IT NEVER LEFT THE VAN !!!......a good friend of mine (Steve Sheroan of the band August Christopher...look 'em up, they're great)....suggested that I play the amp at a gig.....he said it would sound...
  5. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    I know what you mean.......the only amp I've ever truly loved was an old Laney LC-50.......had it when I was new to started to go bad....(didn't know about changing the tubes) so I got rid of it.....*kick-kick-kick*..........and never been truly happy since......that was about 15...
  6. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    I totally LOVE the tone of this amp.......the only thing I would possibly swap it for is a Marshall TSL......(three channels)........going to gig with this amp this weekend and see what she'll do for me.......
  7. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    when I turn the reverb down, where it sounds good with the boost....then there's no reverb when the boost is off *lol*.........going to try running a light delay through the front and turning the reverb off.........
  8. H

    anyone use a compressor?

    I've been using a rack mount Rockman Compressor/Sustainor since the early 80's......used to be in a Boston tribute band......can't beat the gear....all that "blue face" stuff is built like a rock.......
  9. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    I don't know that much about this amp.......I was assuming that because the reverb gets such a boost when I turn on the EQ that it was post loop......Looking inside the amp, it doesn't appear to be moded.....any other explaination ???
  10. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    so far, I've tried.......both through the front AND through the effects loop: Semour Duncan Pickup Booster TS-7 Tube Screamer Digitech 7 band EQ Boss EQ Rockman Compressor/Sustain (LOVE that rack unit :lol: )
  11. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    the only problem with using the effects loop......the loop is "pre-reverb" whenever the loop has a type of boost in it, you're also boosting the reverb.........I've been running my reverb on about 5-6....when you hit the boost (be it EQ or anything else that increases the gain) it sounds...
  12. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    found out that the reason the reverb goes crazy.......when I run a pedal throught the effects loop, the effects loop is "pre-reverb" when I boost the signal for the pedal, I'm boosting the reverb also !!!...... bought the amp from GC for $699 about a week ago.......I'm going to take it to...
  13. H

    Going to Sell this Amp *sniffle*

    okay....I've tried everything I can think of......and things others have thought of....I guess I need a three channel amp.......I love the clean sound, love the crunch sound.......but no matter what I try, I can't get any kind of "lead boost"......I thought an EQ or Tube Screamer would work, but...
  14. H

    Another DC-5 Question

    nobody ???
  15. H

    Another DC-5 Question

    by "tone changes"...the tone seems to get "more weak"....a little "thinner" than what it is when the effects loop is disconnected
  16. H

    Another DC-5 Question

    okay....per a few ideas from people here, I'm running the EQ (or the Tube Screamer) through the effects loop. For those new to my problem, I'm trying to get a lead boost.....Running them through the front wasn't doing what I wanted, but running through the effects loop is doing GREAT ! now, my...
  17. H

    DC-5 footswitch modification

    what is the "fabled v" ???
  18. H

    DC-5 footswitch modification

    oops....already posted that.........what else could I use to "throw" the lead out there.......I've tried a Semour Duncan (sp?) pickup booster....that didn't throw it out very much.......just added gain.......I don't want to add gain.........want to keep the exact tone I have dialed in on the...
  19. H

    DC-5 footswitch modification

    I bought an EQ last night........thinking about running it "backwards" that when it's ON...that will be my crunch/rhythm.....then when it's OFF I'll have my sweet Mesa lead tone.......