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  1. T

    Rectifier footswitch question

    I bought one of these amps just recently and I never knew 50 watts could be so loud. It's a great amp with killer sounds so if I were you I'd get it for sure and deal with the switch problem later. If you have a friend who can fix things for you then all the better. Bill...
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    How long did you have to wait (Mark V)

    I admire you guys for your patience as when it comes to music gear I cannot tolerate ANY delay at all and every day it takes is sheer agony. I must say that if I could apply the energy and will power I've used to aquire gear when I want it to other aspects of my life then I'd be a lot further...
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    A CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) Turret punch and a Promecam folding press. I don't know about other companies but I've seen pictures of Marshall amps being constructed and they use a CNC machine to fabricate their metal components.
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    Me too. I'm talking about using sheets of polished aluminum Diamond plate as is used on the faceplate but putting it on the cabinet sides.
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    I'm talking about using polished aluminum like on the face plate.
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    I was thinking of doing the same thing as I work with sheet metal and have the machinery needed to cut and fold the Diamond Plate (or chequer plate as we call it in Australia) but I was thinking of screwing it on rather than gluing. All in all it would look pretty good I reckon...
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    Single Rec vs TSL 60

    Today I had the opportunity to compare my brand new Single Rec to a brand new TSL 60 and it was no contest. With the Rec's Output set at halfway and the channel volume about one or two in Vintage mode it sounded so loud and powerful but to get the same thing from the TSL I had to have the MV at...
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    6L6GCMSTR OR EL34 Tubes? In A Mesa Rectifier Head

    I put some EH el34's in my Single Rec yesterday and not only do I prefer the sound/feel but if there's a reduction in bass response then I can't notice it. It's worth trying for yourself I reckon.
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    Switch to change from 6L6 to EL-34?

    On mine it's just a bit of adhesive tape which you can peel off with your fingernail. I did it today on my single rectifier. It's the same as the rectifiers I was looking at in a shop the other day.
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    Switch to change from 6L6 to EL-34?

    There's a small piece of black tape covering the switch. Remove that and you're in business. That's how it is on my rectifier anyways.
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    The Official Ebay IDIOCY thread

    Well I've seen it all now!
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    New member saying hi!

    Thanks for the welcome guys. Right now it's Summer here Jacko and I have to say that even though I've lived here all my life I still can't handle the hot weather and I'd trade places with any Canadian in a flash. I'm a winter person and though we don't get snow here in our cities I think it...
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    Rare looking dual recto

    H,mmm you got me thinking now ...
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    Rare looking dual recto

    I really envy the prices you guys pay in the US. I found a used one of these—with black face-plate—in a shop here in Sydney but the price is $2600 Australian. It has a missing carry handle and no rubber feet as well. Hardly a bargain. If you think that price is overboard then consider that a new...
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    New member saying hi!

    Hey guys. My name is Bill, I live in Sydney Australia and I'm a Mesa convert who joined today. On the weekend I bought a brand new Single Rectifier and I'm having a ball with this thing so all I can say is I'm happy to be here and I'm also having a great time reading all the posts on this Forum.