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  1. S

    Road King 2 VS Mark V

    The Mk5 can do either 6l6 or el34 with a tube change and the flick of a toggle switch on the back of the amp. The mark does high gain extremely well, and I personally feel that it is one of the most versatile amps you can find and I prefer it greatly over the RK. The RK can't do tight bass...
  2. S

    Road King 2 VS Mark V

    I've owned a RK2 and I currently own a Mark V. They are pretty much night and day in terms of tone (with the exception of the clean channel, I found them to be quite similar as they're based off the Lonestar clean), but both are wonderful depends on what you are looking for. The RK is...
  3. S

    Stereo set up with MkV

    Yet another question! :) No matter what I do, do I still have to have a cable from my 8ohm speaker out connected to my load box?
  4. S

    Stereo set up with MkV

    Most definitely, but because I am attempting to thicken the sound I wanted to use stereo for certain effects, like delay for example... Would I be able to go from the slave out, into my 2290, and then out to the stereo power amp?
  5. S

    Stereo set up with MkV

    Is it recommended to run the MkV slave out into a 20 or (at most) 50 watt stereo power amp? My reason for asking is because I'm in a band where I'm the only guitar player and to help fill in the sound I was thinking to run a stereo set up but without spending more on a 100w (I have a load box...
  6. S

    Mark V and G Major 2/effects loop

    Plug your guitar into the input of your GM2 and see if you get any signal at all. If yes, one of your loop wires is fubar-ed. If you aren't getting any signal it is safe to say that the volume level of the input into the GM2, or either the output of the GM2 or the volume of the preset you are on...
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    Solo/Boost issue

    Yes, let me add that my fx loop is active and works as I can hear my delay no problem...
  8. S

    Solo/Boost issue

    When I first power up my MkV and go through the channels everything is all good. After a few minutes though, when I kick in the Solo, I have little to no difference in volume (and sometimes it sounds like the volume drops slightly). Have any of you had such an experience before? When I hit the...
  9. S

    Blueish tubes

    Great news! Thanks for the help!
  10. S

    Blueish tubes

    Hey guys, I've got 6L6's in my amp at the moment, and they are fairly new as well (been in for about 3 weeks), and when the amp is powered up the tubes have a blueish "smoke" on the inside of the this normal? I will take a pic ASAP and post it as well to show what I mean. Thanks!
  11. S

    4x12 options...

    There is no cabinet sub forum, so since I use the Mk5 I'll post this here: I'm thinking of getting a 4x12 for my club band. We have the potential to play outdoor festivals during the summer, but for the most part we'll be in bars and clubs. A 4x12, in terms of volume, is way overkill for small...
  12. S

    Mark V Head... Hard/Uncomfortable to carry???

    I agree with a previous poster, after coming from the RKII, the MkV is a breeze....the most annoying/back breaking part of loading in is carrying my Mesa 2x12. :(
  13. S

    Strange problem?

    How so??
  14. S

    Strange problem?

    No, it's not when I turn on my loop...usually it will be either after I turn the loop on, and then off OR mute on/mute off OR hit the solo button on and then off. I'll definitly look into changing my preamp tube(s) and see what that does.
  15. S

    How long did you have to wait (Mark V)

    I waited about 7 months for them to get the head at my local music store here in Montreal. I didn't order it though, I waited for them to get another batch in.
  16. S

    Strange problem?

    Dunno if this is an amp issue or a cable problem, but I figure it wouldn't hurt to ask here before I go calling M/B directly. My MkV starts off well, but once I go through my loop/solo buttons the amp will drop in db and aggressiveness. I am no longer able to hear myself in the band mix, and the...
  17. S

    ''Rate your boogie''

    In order of which I've owned them and some details of my experiences with them: Rectifier Recording Pre: Bought it because I was doing a lot of direct recording at the time. I tried it on it's own direct into my Maudio FireWire 410 (which sounded terrible), and then I paired it with a VHT...
  18. S

    Got a Mark V head!!

    Yeah great points... Another thing i think I read from the Toneboy section of the manual was that they based the IIC+ sounds off a non-eq IIC+, so whomever does a side by side using the V and an EQ version IIC+ are going to hear an apparent difference. Whatever the case, this is an excellent...
  19. S

    Recommend speakers for MkV

    What speakers will bring out the best of the MkV? I've got a 2x12 recto cab loaded with V30's, but am curious as to whether that's the best combination for the head? Thanks!
  20. S

    Got a Mark V head!!

    I've played it a grand total of twice (only at band practice), but when i do, i stand there with this big ol' s***-eatin' grin! I haven't had the chance to dive into it and really squeeze the tone out of it.