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  1. L

    Lonestar Special 15W & 30W settings?

    Thanks for your replies in clearing that one up. :D
  2. L

    Lonestar Special 15W & 30W settings?

    Can someone reassure me that in the comfort of my living room I am unlikely to hear much difference between the 15 & 30w settings on my Lonestar Special. The 5w is easily recognisable in terms of the single ended class "A" operation. The other two both push/pull A/B seems more suitable in terms...
  3. L

    Lonestar Special Foot Switch Operation

    Many thanks for clearing that up. Its an awesome amp so time to go play & learn.
  4. L

    Lonestar Special Foot Switch Operation

    Have just purchased a lonestar special 1x12 combo after owning both Express models. I was looking for clarification of how the lights on the amp and f/switch should respond to switching. On the express there is a green light for Ch1 and a red light for Ch2. These match up on the amp and the...