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  1. K

    How do I get Dimebag's tone with a Mark III?

    I posted a topic a few years ago here about this and someone had tone settings including Graphic EQ positions on how to get his tone. I don't know if that person is still here but if any of you have a good way to dial in his tone I'd be more than happy to try it. I'm doing Pantera covers for a...
  2. K

    Having Trouble Getting Good Sound at Low Volume (Mark III)

    I've tried dozens of settings. I even have it running through a 31 band EQ and a Sonic Maximizer (and I've tried it without these as well). My friend said the power tubes look fine and don't need changing. And I'm not actually trying to play at a low volume, but I notice I can't get the...
  3. K

    Having Trouble Getting Good Sound at Low Volume (Mark III)

    I just bought a used Mark III, and I can't get a good distorted sound unless I really push the volume. I know that tube amps sound better at higher volumes, but this is ridiculous. It has 2 6l6s in the middle and 2 El34s on the outside. A friend told me that mixing tubes might be the problem...
  4. K

    Why Do Amps Sound Like Crap When Turned Up Loud?

    Thanks, you guys have all helped a lot. I'll get to trying some of this stuff tomorrow. I wish I knew someone who know all this stuff to show me in person. I'm usually stuck to figuring this stuff out myself. And yeah we're just now getting to playing gigs so I'm glad I asked you guys about it...
  5. K

    Why Do Amps Sound Like Crap When Turned Up Loud?

    I have a Mark III (I think black dot) head with a 4X12 Mesa Cabinet (Celestion 90's). It sounds so kickass at a practice volume, but whenever I turn it up during band practice, it just gets shitty sounding and muddy and noisy. I mean, this is pretty much what I've experienced with most amps, but...
  6. K

    My Mark III's Clean is Distorted Sometimes

    Sometimes when I turn the amp on, the clean will be distorted. It's almost like the distortion is lying over the clean. It's light, but still ruins the sound. Usually I have to turn it off and back on and it works. But sometimes I have to restart it 2 or more times and it gets really annoying. I...
  7. K

    My Mark III's Sound Changed

    Well, two of the tubes, an EL34 and a 6L6, are pretty loose. I pushed them up in their sockets, but they still wiggle a lot. The other EL34 and 6L6 in the front are kind of lose, but not nearly as much as these. I don't know of any way to tighten them. I'm pretty new to tubes. Thanks.
  8. K

    My Mark III's Sound Changed

    Thanks man, I'll try that.
  9. K

    My Mark III's Sound Changed

    I had a really good sound going, then we hauled the amp across town for a gig, and when we got back, the sound had changed. The clean's not much different, but the distortion's really weird now. At some points it sounds like there's not enough distortion when I'm playing single notes or solos...
  10. K

    Stupid Question (Mark III)

    Yeah, that's the thing. I haven't tried plugging through just the 1X12, but when I plug both speakers in, both the 4X12 and the 1X12, the new trebeley sound comes out of both speakers, including the 4X12. Thanks for the help by the way. This has just been bugging me. I wish I could get this...
  11. K

    Stupid Question (Mark III)

    Well, I'm using a 4X12 Mesa Cabinet with Celestion 90s. The other speaker is some home made wooden one my friend gave me but it only has one 12 inch speaker. Even though it isn't that loud or great, it just completely changes the sound.
  12. K

    Stupid Question (Mark III)

    I guess I'm still new to this, but whenever I plug my Mark III into just my 4X12 it sounds kind of muddy and bassy. I guess it's fine. However, when I plug the amp into two speakers, the sound changes drastically. It sounds more trebeley, bright, and overall just better. I don't understand why...
  13. K

    Need Help with Recording (Mark III)

    Thanks a lot. I have two Nady mics I can borrow from a friend to use that should be fine. Do condenser mics make a whole lot of difference?
  14. K

    Need Help with Recording (Mark III)

    Okay, I'll simplify this. Which generally gets better sound quality : Miking an amp or directly plugging the amp into the mixer? I can't test this myself right now so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. K

    Need Help with Recording (Mark III)

    I am recording using a Tascam Portastudio, and I"m wondering if I should hook the amp in directly to it, or if I should use a mic. I have a 4X12 cabinet and a wireless dynamic mic. Will it sound bad if it's not a condenser mic? I'm not sure which jack to use for recording directly. The direct...
  16. K

    Just Got A Mark III Need Some Help

    Nice, now this is what I'm talking about.
  17. K

    Just Got A Mark III Need Some Help

    Thanks guys. I'm using an ESP EC-1000 with 2 EMG-81 humbuckers. I play metal and some classic rock. Metallica, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Pantera, etc... I've been getting some good stuff out of it so far, but I have a couple more questions. First of all, is Rhythm 2 not meant to be really distorted...
  18. K

    Just Got A Mark III Need Some Help

    I just got a Mark III, I think Black Dot Series, but I'm not sure. I know these things are supposed to be hard to the right sound out of, but I'm having a lot of trouble. I turned the gain switches all the way up, but it only gets more distorted as it gets louder. Is there any way to get...