Is the volume swelling? Make sure the effects loop jacks are clean and tight.
If you start cleaning the pots you better have some lubricant or they will feel like sandpaper.
My reference to the 105 at 483V DC is under load.
It puts out 510V or so. The STR-440 is fine. If you have the
Resources, an STR-415 and STR-416 would last for many years
As the current manufacture tubes will go a few years under
Normal use.
The last time I saw this issue it was the 680 Ohm 2 watt
resistor and the 470uf 16V power supply capacitor.
They are located at the end (V4) side of the preamp
board under the edge of the power supply board.
Squeeze the tips of the power supply stand offs and move
the power supply out of the...
Do not use anything except Tantalum capacitors!!!
The C+ circuit is and uncontrolled design that is so bright
You need the “Blur” of a Tantalum bypass cap. Especially the
Lead circuit. Unless you prefer cheese grater top end
and hearing loss above 6kHz don’t do it.
As long as it wasn’t a half hour, you should be fine.
Mesa amps are really tough. Use an extension cabinet
I’m the mean time if you have one. If not, great time to
Learn the art of soldering.