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  1. S

    How can I gate a noisy Dual Rectifier ?

    I got my Decimator now and it's working really good. It's cool because it gates in front of the amp and via the loop at the same time. A couple of negatives are: 1. Price.. It's 400 bucks! 2. It is meant for a Serial Loop, Not Parallel...
  2. S

    Need more Sustain

    The amp is brand new. I have the send at 50% (in the section labeled "normal") and the mix at about 30%. My guitars have low string heighth, but sustain well acoustically. Guitars are: Jackson DK1 ESP KH2 ESP Eclipse (all with EMG's) On my Johnson Millenium (digital modeling) amp set to...
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    Need more Sustain

    Ok. So I've got awesome crunch on the Dual Rec for Rhythm playing, but when it comes solo time, I have no sustain. Notes die out immediately. My setup is pretty simple right now. EMG-81's using Modern setting on Channel 3 with a touch of delay in the loop via a Rockrton Xpression. A tube...
  4. S

    Serial loop mod on a 3-channel DR

    Does changing from Parallel to Serial disable the "Solo" boost function?
  5. S

    How can I gate a noisy Dual Rectifier ?

    Thanks for the tips. I am using a 9v adapter on the tubescreamer, so I'll try without it and see if that makes a difference. I did mess with the levels on the loop and got it to be "less nosier", but I'm still gonna put a gate on it. I just ordered a Decimator Pro Rack G. Building this new...
  6. S

    How can I gate a noisy Dual Rectifier ?

    I just got a new 3 channel Dual Rec. Using Channel 3 - Modern with a fair amount of gain, the amp gives off a loud hum/hiss even with no guitar plugged in and nothing in the effects loop. If I add my Ibanez Tube Screamer, it amplifies the hum to a ridiculous level. How can I add a gate to...