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  1. D

    Engl Savage 120 vs Uberschall Twin Jet vs Cobra vs Roadster

    Yes I already have cabs. A VADER 2x12 and Mesa 4x12 w/V30's. I don't have access to test these amp, so I'm forced to buy one by ear. Anymore help guys?
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    Engl Savage 120 vs Uberschall Twin Jet vs Cobra vs Roadster

    Hey guys. Sorry for the late update. Unfortunately I'm still stuck on which amp to get. This is the full list I'm looking at. Diamond Nitrox Engl Powerball Engl Savage 120 Framus Cobra Mesa Roadster Voodoo Modded Peavey 6505 Uberschall Twin Jet I'm also looking for 'good' low volumes tone...
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    Engl Savage 120 vs Uberschall Twin Jet vs Cobra vs Roadster

    UPDATE: Thanks for the help guys. Please look at my newest post a little down the page.
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    Voodoo Modded Dual Rectifier vs ENGL Savage

    BUMP I still haven't decided :lol: :D Any help?
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    Whats more br00tal????!!!!

    Hey guys im deciding between a dual rectifier and roadster. Which lead channel is more brutal for low tuned chugging stuff?
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    Voodoo Modded Dual Rectifier vs Stock Roadster

    Ok, thanks for all the help in my previous threads guys! Really helpful stuff! I now have to make a choice between getting a new standard or deluxe voodoo amps modded dual rectifier three channel or a stock roadster head. Which one would you take? I want a sweet brutal lead channel! Dont care...
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    Voodoo Modded Dual Rectifier vs ENGL Savage

    Ok, so I've narrowed it down to these two amps. Voodoo Amps modded Mesa Dual Rectifier (standard mod) ENGL Savage 120 I'm looking for Parkway Drive, Misery Signals, Veil of Maya, BTBAM, All Shall Perish, etc type tone. Which one would you guys recommend?
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    Ok, Battle of the Br000talz!! Choosing a new Amp....

    Hey guys! I've been thinking about what amp to get lately, and have come down to these choices. Help me narrow it down! These are the amps: Mesa Roadster Head VHT/Fryette SIG:X ENGL Powerball ENGL Savage Framus Cobra Now, I play similar styles like these bands: Parkway Drive, August Burns Red...
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    Mesa Boogie Roadster Peoples! I need your help and opinions!

    anyone else have more opinions?
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    Mesa Boogie Roadster Peoples! I need your help and opinions!

    Hey everyone, im new here, and i'm thinking about getting a new Roadster head. I play heavey music styles, like killswitch engage, parkway drive, and similar bands. My question to you is, can the Roadster pull of this type of music? Ill be boosting with and od808 probably to tighten it up a...