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  1. M

    Help with EMGs through a Triple Rectifier.

    Thanks for all your responses guys, really appreciate it. Seems most of you think the harshness I hear is associated with “middy-ness” character inherent of the EMG 85. I’ll try the EMG-81 (I know I have one lying around here somewhere…) and work with the tone knob. I’m sure it is not my...
  2. M

    Help with EMGs through a Triple Rectifier.

    I have an EMG-85 in the bridge of an ESP/LTD EC-1000 and I can’t seem to remove some of the harshness associated with these pups when playing through my Triple Rec. The guitar sounds amazing through my other amps (i.e., Marshall), but much more brittle and harsh with the Triple Rec. I love...
  3. M

    Problem: Triple Rec transformer hum

    Thanks for the info, guys. I appreciate it. It’s nice to know, now, that the amp isn’t going to blow. As an aside, I am surprised I haven’t heard it clearly before. I suppose my wife’s right and I am going deaf… ;-) Thanks again.
  4. M

    Problem: Triple Rec transformer hum

    Boogiebabies: Thanks for the suggestion. Tried it, unfortunately amp still hums. Used a metal rod to see if I could locate the problem more directly (like a listening to a car’s timing) and the sound is most definitely coming from the transformer.
  5. M

    Problem: Triple Rec transformer hum

    The one on the side of the rectifier tubes (not sure if it's the power or output transformer, I haven't a full schematic available). Facing the head, that would be the side with the On/Off, Standby switches.
  6. M

    Problem: Triple Rec transformer hum

    Would appreciate any help with this guys. Recently my Triple Rec started a low hum right above and behind the On/Off Standby switches, where the transformer is located in the head’s chassis. Now, I may be an idiot and have not noticed this “hum” before and I do know a little “noise” is normal...
  7. M

    A little help with clean volume v. dirty

    My Triplerec clean channel has to be nearly maxed to equal out the dirty ones. I have channel 2 & 3 at about 10:00/10:30, gain about 1:00. Yet my clean channel must be (vol.) at nearly 3:00 with the gain around noon or lower (or it starts to get dirty). Is this volume discrepancy normal for a...
  8. M

    Delay and Reverb in the same pedal?

    This may help, but I don't know if it still exists. I had a Boss RV-3 Digital Reverb/Delay that had come in handy for a time. With the RV-3 you could use either reverb or reverb & delay or just delay. The pedal was somewhat limited but still very useful and it sounded fine especially for the...