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  1. M

    weird ?? take a look

    Dude, there got to be more to this, i just took a tube out of the markIV and put in the rect,, the tube did the same thing, then i took the tube out and put it back in the mark IV and the tubed worked fine? so i took ALL the pre amp tubes out of the rect, and put them in the mark IV and the...
  2. M

    weird ?? take a look

    O.K,, did it,, every tube i tapped made a bad noise??????? ALL OF THEM!!!! what the hell,, EVEN the power tubes are making noise, the power tubes are original, the amp is dead mint, its newer i think 03, every time i turn the recto on it seems to get worse :shock: the pre amp tubes are JJ's...
  3. M

    weird ?? take a look

    yeah, the amp pre tubes were put in by my guitar tec guy, the amp worked fine for 1-2 months, the popping and fizzy noise comes and goes when i hit the top of it, dont know what a tap test it? thanks tony
  4. M

    weird ?? take a look

    i was playing my rect-0-verb for the first time in a while, since i got the mark IV,, the rect0 is a combo, i plugged it in and all this weird noise stared coming from it, popping, fuzzy, type sound, so i smacked the top of it with my hand and the popping and buzzing sound went away??? on the...
  5. M


    send me you e-mail and i will send you a pic
  6. M


    last chance, or its going on e-bay, $750!!!!! or give me a trade idea,
  7. M

    Effects loop Mod....

    did you put a switch in for can switch from parallel to series??? i have the switch, but my guitar tec did it,,, but its cool to the choice to have both,, as i'm just starting to understand the parallel FX loop,,,
  8. M


    i would rather trade,, i really dont know what these go for, send me a e-mail,, at [email protected]
  9. M

    METAL!!!!! mesa wins

    yeah, i really got the mark iv toned in,, no EQ, no pedals, not even effects!!!!! the very first time i played a show with just a head, cab, and flying V :shock: :shock: , i for got my boss delay pedal, the cab really made the sound for me, i took off the back and to my amazement there was...
  10. M

    METAL!!!!! mesa wins

    metalmaster,, O.K ,, I just picked up the mark iv,,, guitarcenter was giving it away at 870 out the door,, i think thats a good price?? any ways i also got a mesa cab off e-bay, now i'm starting to understand mesa,, i could not get that smooth scooped metal sound at all through my marshall...
  11. M


    sorry man,,,, i thought for sure you were talking about the power amp,, anybody else
  12. M

    METAL!!!!! mesa wins

    ok i'm going to try to answer all of you in a row, here it goes,,, 1 Micah,, i didn't play the stilletto, i played the mark IV, the double and triple rect head,, a nomad 100w head, in the mesa,, i didn't see the stilletto, i am not going to quite mesa,, i think i need some time to mess with...
  13. M


    hell yeah,, mono?? 6l6's, how old is it,, and the tubes
  14. M

    METAL!!!!! mesa wins

    Maybe the store wouldn't let him turn it up very loud or for very long. I know that even though I know how to dial in my Mark IV it still sounds kind of lame without enough volume as many other amps do with the exception of SS that acts in just the opposite way. no,, i played that thing for...
  15. M


    i would rather trade,, but make me an offer!!!!, i really dont like the amp, e-mail,, [email protected] ,,, yeah ohio
  16. M


    like new rect-0-verb combo 112 speaker, looks and sounds perfect, has the mod for series FX,,, i would like to trade for a good metal type amp or a tubed power amp,, let me know , tony
  17. M

    METAL!!!!! mesa wins

    all right,, i played the mark IV,,, not what i was hoping :cry: ,, here is were you mesa guys will want to kill me, i went back home after almost spending 1400 bucks, and hooked up all my marshall rack crap back up, jmp-1, marshall 9200, marshall jfx, and the furman EQ,, and i can not find...
  18. M

    METAL!!!!! mesa wins

    the Mark IV,, i will have to play one,, i have the recto-o-verb,, it sounds good,, but i have so much rack crap hooked up to it to make it sound the way i want it to, EQ, FX, and more,,, i just want a head that screams and has tons of low end,, and the rect is not cutting it,, thanks i will...
  19. M

    METAL!!!!! mesa wins

    what is the best mesa amp for metal, what do you metal guys use, let me know everything, from effects, amps. cabs, pedals,, ect, i'm trying to hard to find a metal sound, so you tell me...