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  1. Ken in NC

    My RK2 Died

    I had literally seconds before the crackling turned into silence. I was standing there and the soundman was pushing the faders and looking at me. I was just laughing... Anyways, new Groove Tubes are replacing the current faulty tube aqnd the show the next night went well. My amp had its tone...
  2. Ken in NC

    My RK2 Died

    fbomb I think that transport may have been the culprit, but the amp ran through sound check and part of the performance before it went belly-up. Are you thinking that the tube heating up simply exploited a flaw which may have happened during transportation? As for the power tubes... I'll need...
  3. Ken in NC

    My RK2 Died

    I replaced the 12AX7 with a Groove Tube. The glass on the Groove Tube does appear to be a lot thicker. When I pulled the original broken tube out, I was quite surprised by how thin and brittle the glass was.
  4. Ken in NC

    My RK2 Died

    I run the gain on my amp about 2 o'clock which isn't real high. So, i do not think I am pushing the preamp tube all that hard. However, transport may be a culprit. My RK2 is a combo with casters and i hate Carrying it, so I do roll it quite a bit. The puzzler is that it was working through sound...
  5. Ken in NC

    My RK2 Died

    Here's the scoop. I replaced the 5U4 tubes with the stock boogie tubes.... Nothing. I replaced the EL34's.... Nothing I replaced the 6L6's.... Nothing Ok - so much for the power section, huh. Started looking at the 12AX7 tubes. Removed the aluminum sleeves and found that V6 was broken. Odd. A...
  6. Ken in NC

    My RK2 Died

    I think so. If i crank the amp to full volume, I can barely hear my guitar. I am thinking that if the fuse was bad, this would not happen.
  7. Ken in NC

    My RK2 Died

    Guys, this is probably an easy problem to fix, but I would like to post for your thoughts and suggestions. Last night at a gig, my RK2 died. The sound of the amp (all evening) was just not right. I heard that the tone was not what I was used to and the amp sounded to be in a state of flux...
  8. Ken in NC

    which 4x12 for the Mark IV head?

    Nothing is sexier than a "worn" 4 X 12! PICS! +1
  9. Ken in NC

    Clean Boost???

    I'm not too familiar with that one, but here are 2 which are pretty much tried and true from many people and recording enginerers I know. The TC electronic goes for around $200 used and is...
  10. Ken in NC

    Clean Boost???

    I hate to tell you - but a tubescreamer is not a line boost. Its more like an OD pedal which will add drive prior to the preamp.
  11. Ken in NC

    Clean Boost???

    check out the sound clip here to get an idea of what one can do
  12. Ken in NC

    Roadster Recall ?

    If you use a clean line boost on channel 2 - you may be after that stones, led zeppelin sound your after.
  13. Ken in NC

    Roadster Recall ?

    I am in love with it. I spend most of my time in channel 3. I play in a rock band and that's my main rhythm channel. Occasionally, there will be some songs where clean channel is required and of course, I go to channel 1 which sounds phenomenal. There are some songs like early AC/DC and some...
  14. Ken in NC

    Roadster Recall ?

    My RKII is quiet and I have been gigging regularly with it for 2+ months. I have not heard any popping at all.
  15. Ken in NC

    BBE Stomps

    I just wanted to let you guys know a little bit about 2 of the BBE stomps I got recently. BBE Sonic Maximizer Stomp BBE Boosta Grande The Sonic Maximizer doesnt do a whole lot for me. I am running a RK2 and found that the lows sounded kind of bad with this pedal, but the highs clean up real...
  16. Ken in NC

    Indoor or Outdoor?

    indoor. no rain. no wind. consistently smokey. smells from old beer. :shock:
  17. Ken in NC

    Thinking about a Road King II or a Roadster. COuple of ?s

    I think I would seriously consider it knowing that there are flexibility options in transportation. Also, I have many 4X12 cabs which I could opt to use for larger venues. :D
  18. Ken in NC

    Gain v Distortion

    Sounds like you are using way too much gain on your preamp. What setting are you running it at and what channel?
  19. Ken in NC

    Thinking about a Road King II or a Roadster. COuple of ?s

    The combo is freakin' 106 pounds! Getting it in and out of my car is killing me. I seriously would have thought about a head instead of a combo. That way the size is much more manageable. Plus, I could get 2 - 2X12 cabs and still have flexibility. The combo is H E A V Y !!!
  20. Ken in NC

    Thinking about a Road King II or a Roadster. COuple of ?s

    I'll agree with that as well. Didn't care much for his tone on Blizzard of OZ or anything afterwards. Sorry, just my opinion