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  1. R

    New Electra Dyne

    Hey tom8595! Got my Dyne from Sweetwater too a few months ago, a 1x12 combo. Only took about 3 days (seriously!) - great service, stuff arrives in awesome shape! Loving my Dyne more and more!
  2. R

    How to Get 'Chirp' Without Reverb?

    Thanks Riff Blister! I created another post on the success of the guidance here. As far as my setup - I'm done! I believe the critical advice was pushing the mids. I have since then nudged up the treble and prescence. The amp really likes balanced adjustments. The manual has all these tone...
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    Electra Dyne Is A Hit!

    O man you're killing me YellowJacket! That's what I want! Well I have to wait till my next paycheck (March 16) to be able to afford it :( If it's still available then I'll jump on it! Thanks! (I think....)
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    Electra Dyne Is A Hit!

    Thanks again guys! I didn't know anything about the sales :( , but I have been thinking about getting another myself - have to keep a lookout for sales!
  5. R

    Electra Dyne Is A Hit!

    Ok first: I need to thank J.J and Yellowjacket, ok and screamingdaisy too :) Had my first true gig with the Dyne last night. (I played an outdoor thing with her when I first got her but it was really constricted and I hadn't learned how to use her.) Room was all wood, YES!, with a low ceiling...
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    How to Get 'Chirp' Without Reverb?

    Thanks for the tips guys! I'll try them out tonight! raf
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    How to Get 'Chirp' Without Reverb?

    Well, ok. Can't really work with that though :) Next chance to use my Dyne is at a gig tomorrow night. I don't plan on turning on the reverb, just wondered if someone had been able to get the upper end chirp the reverb adds without the reverb. I'm thinking of possibly upping the presence to...
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    How to Get 'Chirp' Without Reverb?

    Guys, I have really developed an aversion to reverb and delay (playing blues rock). I do think the Dyne reverb is awesome, none better; but bypassing the reverb the amp captures every nuance of what I do, and I love it! Thing is some of the sweet chirp comes from the reverb. What would you do...
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    Dyne Latest (Kinda Sorta)

    As a boost to the amp alone (just amazing that way); and into the AC or BB. I may not really need both the AC and BB. I'll probably set up the AC for 90% of what we play and the BB for the over-the top stuff. The AC is a great match with the dyne. It can sound like a slightly warmer BB using...
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    Dyne Latest (Kinda Sorta)

    Guys, Don't want you to think I just used your help and took off before sunrise... Band is kind of at a holiday slow down and all my set up adjustments haven't been worked thru yet but anyway: Last I posted I had switched out my speaker to a Mesa V30 and I had an ES 335 on the way. Absolutely...
  11. R

    Update on my Dyne (and a Big Thank You!)

    I did a gig last Saturday outdoors. Turned the amp up to about 10:00 or so as was immediately, I mean immediately asked to turn down. Oh well. Actually still sounded really good with either my fulltone plimsoul or BB Preamp. Got my Mesa V30 the following Wednesday (fastest order turnaround...
  12. R

    Guys, Help Me With My New ED!

    Couldn't find anyone carrying Mesa speakers in town. So I'll order online from Mesa here in a bit and wait the usual 2-3 weeks! (What!) And of course now I'm really looking forward to it! Also I saw a post by screamingdaisy saying Timmons uses V30s in his cabs. Moment of enlightment there, it...
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    Guys, Help Me With My New ED!

    Yeah I do have a dealer! Bought my LSS 4x10 from them! Ha ha, too much internet! :lol: I'll give them a call tomorrow! My initial plan was just to try out the el34s with the C90 next week while waiting for the V30, but what the heck. If they have one I'll buy it tommorow and slap it in! Thanks!
  14. R

    Guys, Help Me With My New ED!

    Anything to switching out the speaker in my 1x12? I figure it's just unsolder, unscrew,remove,then add,screw in, solder. But simple thinking never works with cars and computers, so I just wannbe sure...
  15. R

    Guys, Help Me With My New ED!

    Yeah , for all my going on about gain, I am always just stunned, absloutely stunned when I hear Clapton on that album. At rehearsal I heard the tone as I was just screwing around on the guitar and talking to the guys before a song, and I just had a moment of incomprehension. Like, what...
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    Guys, Help Me With My New ED!

    Thanks, I don't really care if we call it mid gain or high gain blues rock or super-low-under-gain metal, I love this amps character. In this world of a multi-assorted guitar styles I don't even know what mid gain or high gain means. That's why I just try to reference artists in the vein I...
  17. R

    Guys, Help Me With My New ED!

    I have the 1 x 12 combo, so a C90 speaker? I didn't touch my amp dials from last night and my master was a hair above close! It's dark in the garage and I could barely see the dials indicators. Next rehearsal I'll move it to 9:30 - 10:00 area and give a go. Hopefully it's not too...
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    Guys, Help Me With My New ED!

    Thanks for the reply elvis! I just talked to a mesa rep and from what he could sort out (I know it must be difficult with all the player variables), he thinks I didn't have the power tubes cooking. Basically, I need to turn it up! Man...I was already loud... I guess that comes with the...
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    Guys, Help Me With My New ED!

    I got to play my new ED with my three piece last night. The voicing of the amp is incredible! Using a Les Paul I was getting an early Billy Gibbons type tone. So the basic sound of the amp is killer but I found it very dry. I am shooting for a Gary Moore "Bad For You Baby" album type high gain...
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    Lone Star Dillema

    My Lonestar Special had that problem and it turned out to be the send/return jacks needed to be cleaned even though the amp was new. Mesa tech told me to check that so it had to be a known issue. On Lonestar Classics I've read of a few people having faulty contacts on the "ON/Tweed" switch...