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  1. A

    Rectoverb drive question.

    Great thanks. I would really appreciate that. hopefully they'll host mpegs.
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    Rectoverb drive question.

    ya wouldn't happen to have a straight to amp recording I could listen to?
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    Rectoverb drive question.

    Yes it's losing the drive sound. Yes Im playing octaves and single notes. None the less it should be as ringy, and single note bends should scream not whistle. Soloing uses a lot of single notes. obviously. None of this is any different than what others do on a guitar and still get a sweet...
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    Rectoverb drive question.

    Gain is at about 2:30. I've never really had a problem with the tubes to be honest. Mmmm. drive on the lower frets is fine. Its sorta mmmm like more of a whistle then a driven sound. if I wah it, it sounds a lot better. I'd record it but no recording software and a 5.00 mic wont cut it...
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    Rectoverb drive question.

    When I play the upper frets, eh, 9+ for instance 11 on 3rd string and 9 on 5th string with 4th string muted. (My brain is so scrambled from work I forget what chord to call this) It almost sounds like clean channel with a lil overdrive from there on up to 21. My master is about 10 oclock, my...
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    Finally I found this place for help. A LOT of verb 50 q's.

    Thanks for this but when I go to and find 'Mark takes you on a tour of his rig'. There is no link no nothing. Just unselectable text. If anyone has a working link or knows the settings it would be greatly appreciated. Ty in advance.
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    Finally I found this place for help. A LOT of verb 50 q's.

    Appreciate the tip on the master. Here's a question. If Im getting crap for scream when I try playing a solo above lets say the 10th fret. You mentioned compression and SS, would a fix be a compression pedal? I tried one of these I believe and didnt notice a difference. (Memory's a...
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    Finally I found this place for help. A LOT of verb 50 q's.

    I've been searching for a place like this. Here's the story. I baught a rectoverb 50 a year or so ago. I have been playing on and off for years. I cannot for the life of me figure out what Im missing or what I need. Here's the jist of my problems. First and formost, I am really trying...