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    Hmmm... tapping is turning out to be a problem. I have no idea how to do it. How is it meant to be done? If I play slowly... like seriously slowly, then it turns out fine... but my middle finger hurts like hell after a while coz I tap so hard. How hard should I be tapping? what part of the...
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    By the way... this might sound kinda wierd but think about it. Don't try to play fast... don't think to play fast... just do... also playing by listeing is a big step to getting your speed up. I'm still a beginner and I'm still learning to play by ear, I'm sure that most of you guys are doing it...
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    Jackson Fans?

    How did you not become skinny?... coz i'm skinny and I sorta hate it. lol
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    Awkward guitar rig (warning Adam Jones rig)

    I read somewhere that Marshall surfaced after they got a fender bassman and modified it and put it under the Marshall badge (like not quite as literally as Randall Smith but used the same circuitry and made some adjustments to it... "hot-rodded it"). Not 100% certain about this thou.2
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    There's a lot to do with efficiency... if you watch guys like Malmsteen and Michael Romeo you will imediately see the difference between their playing style and other guys. So I guess you could work on your efficiency of both your picking hands and your fretting hand. I have personally realised...
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    Yeh... the number of options is very limited, but from the looks of the greyed out lessons and exercises, most of them you can do yourself with the use of a metronome. The secret to speed building I think is just doing simple exercises increasing the tempo each time you go through them, it's...
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    Well I am downloading it... see what it does for me.
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    How Do I Improve?

    My biggest concern with the picking is that my index finger tends to touch the strings and wears down somewhat... and becomes quite thin... that's the problem that I am experiencing with it.
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    How Do I Improve?

    I've been trying to find information on correct ways of playing... most information that is out there teaches you musical theory and assumes that you know how to hold the guitar properly... and all that kind of stuff, but after finally finding the information that I was looking for (an article...
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    How Do I Improve?

    I've been playing guitar for over a year now and I am begining to notice that I have ceased to improve... What do I do? I can only play a few full songs... I don't know much theory (thats obviously an area that needs improvement but sadly with the limited pratice time per day thats not always...
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    So, what style(s) of music you play?

    Welcome Gunhedd, yeh I'm trying to learn some Dire Straights stuff (BTW check out about what I had to say about his concert - in short, I loved it :) ) (I even went out and baught a capo last week), it appears that I can't sit down and learn stuff...
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    Wow thanks for that jong, lots of healpful tips there, the price is a bit meaty thou, hmm... Now i'm thinking it would probably be best to just continue to save up for my second guitar, don't think I'm ready to blow half of what I have on a refret. We'll see how it goes. It's barable for now I...
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    That would probably explain the fact that my frets are so worn after less than a year of playing, probably the cheapest frets out there lol. Thats a relief :D , now I just need to find someone who does it correctly. I would greatly appreciate it if you could remember the other bits that the...
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    My frets are getting really shabby. Flatspots on basically every fret. It looks cool because they are all shiny :P , but it't not cool when it comes down to playability :( , as you can imagine, there is a lot of fret buzz, and I have changed my action to high. Anyway, I have decided to get my...
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    Concert Experiences

    Yeh I sorta can't believe I missed them myself, I didn't know they were comming :shock: . Sorta reflects badly on me as a fan. Some guys from school went, said that the tickets sold out about 4 hours after they went up for sale. Some of them found out accidentally, one of them said that he saw...
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    One Solo Help!!!

    So what you are saying is that I should also do palm muting? :? And can you explain what you mean by your finger going outwards? Yeh I agree with the acoustic guitar issue, I know exactly what you mean. I like to play on clean most of the time. In fact a lot of the time I play without the amp...
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    New Hangout?!

    I know exactly what you mean. You go to almost any other forum and all you get is hundreds of people swearing and bagging everyone else. Hopefully this forum remains as it is. :!: And just as MesallicA pointed out in the post your rig section, the official ESP forum is a perfect example of this.
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    The most beautiful guitars.

    The Ken and the the ESP Original Series Oyaji Forest ( would definatley be up there!!! :lol:
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    Jackson Fans?

    Welcome to the forum!!! :wink: :shock: OMG!!! That is awsome!!! Drool :P . I can't wait to get my first Jackson, should be a while thou, funds are comming in unbarably slowly :( , I was hoping to get it before the end of this year but this is becomming less and less likely. I was trying to...
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    Concert Experiences

    Yeh I heard these guys rocked hard :twisted: at the big day out, too bad I didn't go, I have missed out on some awsome bands over the past few years from not attending :( , and sadly won't go next year either as the showgrounds where it gets held every year, are getting referbished. Oh well...