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  1. W

    More Roadster volume drop-outs; please help

    To the last two posts, like I said in my most recent, the power tube thing was just a mistake. All my power tubes are firing; it was the two rectifier tubes that weren't, probably because I was in diode mode. So the power tubes at least seem fine to the eye, though I'm still hoping they are...
  2. W

    More Roadster volume drop-outs; please help

    I don't even know anymore. It hasn't done the drop-out thing since the other night. And I was wrong about the power tubes, I looked closely and all the 6L6 are lit up properly but the two the right (which I guess may be the reverb tubes? gonna have to check) weren't lit. I played a bit with...
  3. W

    More Roadster volume drop-outs; please help

    thanks, I wasn't sure if that was normal or not for lowish volumes but I'll try to turn it up to see if they light up when I give them more juice. I mean it's sounding pretty good right now so whatever is wrong didn't completely screw it. I was playing it a while yesterday and didn't get any...
  4. W

    More Roadster volume drop-outs; please help

    Trying hard to not get emo about 0/52 responses here ;p Here's a more concise version that may help: - Brand new Roadster is having volume drop-outs - A few weeks ago I accidentally had it running without being plugged into my cab for about 60 seconds. Amp played fine in the short term after...
  5. W

    More Roadster volume drop-outs; please help

    I've seen a number of these threads but now I'm sad to have to make one myself. :( This may be slightly long for folks on the go but I tried to include as much detail as I could to help you guys give better advice. I just got this amp brand new from the factory a few weeks ago. I decided to buy...
  6. W

    My Mark IV won't sustain on a specific note

    Have you tried it with another guitar? Or have you tried that guitar with another amp recently enough to remember accurately? Sounds like it could be a pretty classic dead spot issue on the guitar, not the amp. To add to that a little bit, try this: Turn on your setup and play like normal and...
  7. W

    roadster rocks

    Bad tubes could almost always be the culprit.
  8. W

    New Guitar Day (finally brought it home...)

    Maybe it's a CE24 for $1600. Custom 24s don't often go for under 2k, but it does happen.
  9. W

    Any Luthiers / Guitar Geeks?

    You can accomplish this if you just disconnect the ground from your volume pot. I found this out accidentally, before I realized that you had to ground the other terminal of the pot to make it completely silent. :) I'm not sure how this works electrically or whether or not it's dangerous, but I...
  10. W

    DO I need a 2x12 or a 4x12?

    I think cutting is more about EQ and less about how many cabs you have. I think that guy just wanted to look cool. 8)
  11. W


    Clearly the solution is to bring along a metal spike with a braid and clip attached to it to your gigs. Then you can clip it to your tuning pegs and drive the spike into the ground so there will be a path of lesser resistance.
  12. W

    I saw Liquid Tension Experiment in SF last night

    ugh how did I not hear about that?
  13. W

    RK II - channel 1, reverb issues

    Boogie considers this a feature but it bugs me. I think you are mischaracterizing it a little bit, but the real deal is just that they fade out the reverb during channel switches and then fade it back in to avoid hearing some large reverb pop. So whenever you change a channel, if the reverb is...
  14. W

    New to the Mark IV family

    Thanks guys. :) I'm pretty psyched still. Whenever my Roadster finally arrives, it's going to be hard to choose which amp I want to play through!
  15. W

    New to the Mark IV family

    Thanks to Mesa taking forever to build my Roadster, I got impatient and picked up something else in the meantime: a 1990 Mark IVa combo! It's in pretty good condition and so far it's been a blast to play. It's got some EV black shadow in it but I'm not sure which one. Initial observations: -...
  16. W

    Effects Loop Hum

    Sounds like a ground loop to me too, if using a different power source didn't cause the problem. Was the DC brick plugged into the same outlet that you eventually plugged the pedals directly into? I would expect there to be no hum in that case as well, or at least comparable hum to what you got...
  17. W

    My Mesa's

    Is that Modern Eagle in the middle?
  18. W

    The right PRS for a Recto...

    well I'm not going to deny that the feel is different. Every bridge feels different. I actually can't stand the PRS fixed bridges because the string seats spike into my palm more than I'm used to from Gibson style tune-o-matics. I was just saying that in no way does the extra bit of string...
  19. W

    The right PRS for a Recto...

    The extra length at the back doesn't matter; it doesn't affect where position where the strings slide over the bridge. The scale length is going to determine where you're palm muting, regardless of the bridge type. So maybe what you were experiencing when you tried and disliked a trem was just a...
  20. W

    The right PRS for a Recto...

    I would get a Custom 24 if I were you and just deal with the trem if I were you, and I own a 513 Rosewood. What's your issue with the trem specifically? PRS trems are easier to deal with than FRs etc since they don't lock at the nut. They stay in tune quite well too. If it's the feel that bugs...