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The Boogie Board

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  1. A

    Give me your opinion on this tone!

    The guitar sounded the context of the song, it was a bit too Leslie in organ...if you kept that chorusy type effect off, it would have killed...also, not on your side of things, the bass player was really weak...tell him to play with some the sound of...
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    LSS TONES... Check out the live stuff...Seroius lead tones, and an unbelievable clean/dirty tone with a wah...the best amp I've ever played...a GEM
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    Hear my Lonestar Special 112 in action!!!

    Got some new live vids up for viewing pleasure!!!
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    tone tubby in mark iv combo

    I have a friend who put a tone tubby in his Mark IV combo...the difference was astounding...the cleans sounded fuller and "bluesier," with more warmth, and the lead channel sounded a little looser, with a bump in the mids...I really loved the tone, and thought it sounded better than the stock
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    Lone Star Classic, Lone Star Special Comparison can absolutley get a crystal clean tone with a full band on 30 watts...I do it every night...with my strat set to neck pup, I can hear every single note I play over a loud as fook drummer and a keyboard player...I rarely ever have to mic the amp...the only time I ever did was when...
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    Heya All... Purchasing help please! :)

    Hey man...everyone on this board...including going to suggest the Mark IV. In terms of achieving a lead tone, there really is nothing better, other than maybe of course a Mark IIC+, which are hard to find and expensive. Guaranteed, you won't be dissapointed.
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    Lone Star Classic vs. Mark IV

    This is really a question of where you are at musically...I traded my Mark IV head for a Lonestar Special...reasons...compact and easy to carry around for gigs and practice...unbelievable clean channel, that really gets that true slightly broken up sound...a lead channel that sings...believe it...
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    Lone Star Classic vs. Mark IV

    This is really a question of where you are at musically...I traded my Mark IV head for a Lonestar Special...reasons...compact and easy to carry around for gigs and practice...unbelievable clean channel, that really gets that true slightly broken up sound...a lead channel that sings...believe it...
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    Hear my Lonestar Special 112 in action!!!

    Thanks man, preciate that! I have a 1x12...plenty of punch for me, and I get to turn it up as loud as I want at gigs...
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    Need A New amp.. Which Mesa Boogie for me?

    The Petrucci tone, regardless of what amp he plays, is really all in his fingers and technique. He would sound great through a Crate modelling amp. However, this said, I would have to recommend a Mark IV. I owned one for five years, and I came as close as I ever was to attaining that sound...
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    Low volumes live= good tone?

    I've had the same problem for years...most sounds guys at gigs always want the guitar player to keep turning down and down...Most that I've dealt with don't understand the need for tube amps to be cranked for tone purposes...I had a Mark IV halfstack settup, and abandoned it for a 30 watt...
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    Hear my Lonestar Special 112 in action!!!

    thanks man...slash, bump!
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    Which Boogie product is Class A and 50 Watts?

    If you play Jazz, and you need that sparkle, class A might not be the right road. Try a Roland Jazz amp...I used to play one with my trio, and it sounded killer!
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    Hear my Lonestar Special 112 in action!!!

    bumpidity bump
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    Hear my Lonestar Special 112 in action!!!

    Clutch The only pedal I play with is a Wah. The overdriven lead sound is the second channel, and the first channel handels the rest. The first channel is just so touch sensitive that I can go from completely clean, to slightly overdriven just with how hard I pick. Crazy amp man, really
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    Pedal for Lonestar Special

    Instead of an overdrive, try an EQ pedal...if you max the gain on the Lonestar, and scoop the mids with an EQ, it'll probally get you there
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    My Complete Rig and Family (NOW WITH CLIPS)

    Hey your tone...My only critique is to roll down the treble on the amp a WEE bit...sounds a little too harsh, but otherwise, you're getting there
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    Which modern player do you think has that grail tone???

    I'm going to have to go with two players, who don't really fit into the current mold you guys have set in place...John Mayer and Henry Garza...I really like the sound of a slightly overdirven amp just clipping...John Mayer melts the panties off of every young lady everywhere he plays with that...
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    Hear my Lonestar Special 112 in action!!!

    Thanks for the kind words man...very much appreciated...this amp is really the best I've ever played...used to be a fender guy (Bassman, Deluxe Reverb, Twins), but this amp changed that...I play this amp as much as I play my guitar...I would love to endorse one
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    Hear my Lonestar Special 112 in action!!! My bad everyone