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  1. P

    crackle and hiss when not playing?

    When you touch the strings does it go away? Are there light dimmers in the room? If there is either turn those lights off or get a good power conditioner like a Furman.
  2. P

    dual rec, noise supressor, eq pedal, fx loop help!

    An EQ pedal is going to be most effective if placed between the amp and your guitar IMHO. (I believe Boogies use a post preamp gain EQ) You can then use the EQ pedal to shape your distortion and then use the amps EQ to get the final mix right.
  3. P

    Dual rec....Unity GAin

    Unity gain (gain of 0db, no gain, etc) means your input voltage is the same as your output voltage. Basically set your effects loop send level to 12:00, you may want to tweak then it by activating/deactivating the fx loop and then seeing if there is an increase or decrease in volume and adjust...
  4. P

    wattage question for the guru's

    6db-10db is usually considered double the volume. -3db is considered half the power, -6db is considered 1/4 the power and half the volume. Going to from 50 to 100 watts in only going to be about 2-3db increase in volume. To Double the volume of a 50 watt amp you need to at least be at 200...
  5. P

    New Roadster owner

    Turn your presence up on channel four. I got one heck of a sweet sound out of it with the presence at 3:00 on my RKII. I got it set with EL34s, set to modern and I get a great somewhat marshallish tone with that smooth almost liquid like mesa distortion.