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  1. L

    Pros and cons of Channel two on both LSC & LSS

    ...actually I made these settings mainly using my Gibson SG Standard ehehe :lol: Well, that's an interesting point: when I bought the amp I did the same thing: bass all the way down (especially on CH2), and the other pots in a less "drastic" position. Then I began to know my amp better and...
  2. L

    Pros and cons of Channel two on both LSC & LSS current settings... :wink:
  3. L

    Pros and cons of Channel two on both LSC & LSS

    ...sure, I'll take a pic as soon as I can :wink:
  4. L

    Pros and cons of Channel two on both LSC & LSS my ears it sounds a lot more punchy and reactive at 50w on both channels...I'll try other configurations, but right now I think I'll keep this one. Anyway I agree...don't change your settings if you're not sure and especially before a gig! :wink:
  5. L

    Pros and cons of Channel two on both LSC & LSS

    ...that's becoming my favourite setting too..50w on both channels and my Stiletto 8ohm cab plugged into the 4ohm jack of the head. I'm having the same experience these the sound!!!
  6. L

    Pros and cons of Channel two on both LSC & LSS

    ...I agree with Mork, LSC's CH2 sounds more "modern" to my ears; I use it for heavier stuff like alt rock or alt metal (just to give you an idea, something like Adam Jones' tones), while I prefer CH1 with BB and OCD for more "classic" crunch and lead tones. Anyway, the two channels sound very...
  7. L

    input jack

    thanks a lot :wink:
  8. L

    input jack

    Thanks a is it better to use the one with the longer thread (SC-L-12A) instead of the standard one (SC-12A)?
  9. L

    input jack

    Hi, I'm having some troubles with my Lonestar Classic head input jack: sometimes - especially if I move the plug inside it - the sound disappears. I'll first try with a contact cleaner but in case I've to replace it, which would be the right one? Here's a little list, maybe it's one of them...
  10. L

    The Electra Dyne having better cleans than the Lonestar?

    Well, it's Mesa stuff so it's a great amp for sure...other than that - as you said - it's just a matter of ears. I've personally chosen Lonestar because I like classic clean and crunch tones, but I also love powerful distortion for genres like rock, alt. rock, grunge (or whatever you wanna call...
  11. L

    Lonestar special 2x12 video, Country twangin' tones

    GREAT playing man!!! :wink:
  12. L

    Delay Recommendations

    I don't know how they work in the effects loop, but these are some of the best delays in my opinion: Carl Martin Echotone Delay Diamond Memory Lane 2 Analog Delay Eventide Timefactor Delay (1, 2) Moog MF104z Analog Delay TC Electronic Nova Delay T-Rex Replica Delay If you like echo sounds...
  13. L

    Lonestar head vs combo ?

    I cannot talk about the sound because I haven't tried a LS combo, but considering versatility, weight and reliability I'd go with head + cab. I had 1x12'' combo, 2x12'' combo and now a LS head + 2x12'' cab and - in my opinion - combo is a good choice if you wanna stay in a single speaker...
  14. L

    what about Fulltone OCD?

    UPDATE: I had the chance to try the OCD v3 with my LSC and I'm glad to say it sounds AMAZING!!! It's probably not the most natural overdrive, but it has an unique and powerful tone. I played it with my BB (set up like a CH1 boost / low gain crunch) right before in the chain and I'd say it gives...
  15. L

    eurotubes... so many options there should be a sort of selection/test process (something similar to what Mesa does??) behind those kits, right? This is really interesting under many points of view, mainly because JJ tubes are great sounding!!!
  16. L

    Just had my best guitar experience

    ...great man, thanks for sharing...this is one of those precious moments of pure musical ecstasy we always look for! :wink:
  17. L

    eurotubes... so many options

    Hi all! :wink: Since I got my LSC head (used) I'm thinking about retube. All these Eurotubes/JJ kits are pretty interesting as well as other brands like Svetlana, GT, EH, Mullard etc., but I wonder: is it safe to put them in a fixed bias amp like Lonestar? Maybe Mesa's tubes sound flat...
  18. L

    what about Fulltone OCD?

    ...thanks a lot for your advices :wink: I've just bought a Fulltone OCD 'cause I've found a good offer for an used v3, the one I prefer listening to some samples around the net. I'll write my impressions as soon as I can try it with my Lonestar. Anyway I'm pretty sure I won't stop looking for...
  19. L

    what about Fulltone OCD?

    Hi all, I'm searching for my definitive combination of gain boxes in order to achieve different distortion levels with my Lonestar Classic head+cab on channel 1. I already have the BB Preamp and it sounds absolutely GREAT, but I need something else to push the amp further and cover these sounds...
  20. L

    My favorite video demonstrating the Lonestar.

    I found these vids pretty good and useful: Mesa Boogie Lonestar demo 1 - clean ch Mesa Boogie Lonestar demo 2 - overdrive channel 2 Mesa Boogie Lonestar demo 3 - hard rock, channel 2 Well, then there are the Andy Timmons vids of course, but I bet all of you watched them TONS of times! :wink: