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The Boogie Board

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  1. S

    Reverb troubleshooting help

    Clean all jacks and plugs. Try a different cable. IME cables, connectors and corrosion are the cause of many problems.
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    Throttle Box, or should I get an amp???

    Tech 21 Tri AC. Not inexpensive but well made and worth the money. Analog amp modeling by the maker of SansAmp. It will give you all the options you would ever want for Fender, Marshall and Mesa tones both clean and dirty. Runs a LONG time on a 9v battery or you can power it. Most important...
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    What is the best amp you have ever heard or played?

    Yeah, but only the Chinese one with the crap speaker. :lol:
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    Tube replacement with other than Mesa or Groove Tubes.

    It could be either or a bit of both. Try running the Mesa through the speaker in the H&K. Using a speaker that works for your preferred tones is paramount. It can make far more difference than swapping output tubes IME. The first preamp tube is where the rubber meets the road for tone. V1 is...
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    DC 5 pre-amp tube suggestions

    Try plugging a cord from the send to the return of the effects loop. This is a known problem area. As for preamp tubes, new ones are what they are. Scope your local area for vintage tube gear, do not overlook old organs. They may be on craigslist, in thrift stores, on bulletin boards in...
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    NAD 50 Caliber + and Cab -w/pics!

    This makes no sense unless it is a factory prototype. If you flipped the board over, the left side of the board would be on the right side, OR the front of the board would be in the back. If you look at the other photos with top loaded components, the preamp tube sockets are not in the clear...
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    Tube Cocktail for You

    I am refurbishing/servicing a DC-5b right now, can't wait to hear it. I mostly play rock, pop and country styles and want the clean channel to be pretty clean. I am more into a singing tone for lead than all out gain so trying to back off the preamp a bit. I sussed out a similar approach, the...
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    What is the best amp you have ever heard or played?

    Some of this may be vague, sorry. Brain cells all gone! :D Played: First, my current favorite solid state amp - Tech 21 Trademeark 10. All analog modeling amp. Not wild about the Marshall tones until you crank it but the Fender cleans and semi-cleans are sugar sweet and the Mesa lead tones...
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    Which replacement speaker for Maverick?

    I LOVED a JBL G125-8 in my 1-12 Maverick. It made it sound much "bigger", fuller, tighter bass and sweet, clear highs. My guitars all sounded more like individual instruments with their own character. Looking forward to putting the same speaker in my new (to me) DC-5. The V90 is not a favorite...
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    Best amp sim in place of my real boogie

    I use a Tech 21 Tri-AC pedal and like it a lot. Good clean and distortion tones. Not fond of the Marshall but love the Fender (sort of) cleans and the Mesa lead tones I get running direct. 100% analog signal path, it feels right when you play. Great pedal to have in your gig back for backup...
  11. S

    Mark IV Issues: Weird lower octave notes & volume swells

    Clean all of your jacks, your tube sockets and your pots. Test. If it is still happening proceed to the next step. Replace your output tubes and PI tube. Test. Will probably go away. If not then :?:
  12. S

    Want different tone & less volume out of my DC5

    Perhaps you should try it instead of just insulting people when you don't know what you are talking about? :roll: The issue is getting a DC-5 to a lower volume when the Main Master "jumps" from too quiet to too loud. So, set the Main Master past the touchy part of the taper and use the...
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    Want different tone & less volume out of my DC5

    I just got a DC-5, my seventh Mesa. I read this post and others like it. I solved the problem in my head before the amp arrived. Turn the Main Master to 5 or so. Turn all the other knobs to 0. Set your Channel Masters fairly low, 2-3-ish. Start bringing up bits and dabs of gain, treble...
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    Schecter guitars................just how good are they?

    Mikey Mike, you are good for laugh, I do gotta give you that. Let's see..... You don't like Gibson guitars because they are over priced. "I'm not a Schecter fanboy by any means but I will say that Gibsons are overpriced junk. My friend has a Gibson V and it plays like garbage and feels cheaply...
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    Schecter guitars................just how good are they?

    Sorry, none of the licensed bridges are made of quality metal, it is soft and easily filed or ground. You can barely make a dent in the base plate of an original Floyd Rose with a chainsaw sharpening file. German steel versus Japanese pot metal. EMGs in plenty of JEMs, if that is what their...
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    Schecter guitars................just how good are they?

    Was working on the earliest Japanese models, thank you very much. Would have been late 80's early 90's, perhaps some of you were not even born yet. All the Ibanez strat style guitars at that time sported one of those nylon encased 5 way switches with the thin flimsy tabs, thin jacks that failed...
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    Schecter guitars................just how good are they?

    If you want to say that you think I am a liar, just come right out with it instead of trying to be a diplomatic pussy. One of my customers was the son of a wealthy farmer and a farmer himself. He played in a local metal band and owned 3 Ibanez Vai Monkey Grip Strat Clones. He was a good player...
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    Fret Job Question.

    Hey Murph, I got some stuff for you. First, a question: Maple or rosewood fingerboard? Fender sprays the neck after fretting and a maple board is WAY more work to get the frets out (and to refinish the board) than a rosewood board. I don't know if it is still true but Fender used to press the...
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    Schecter guitars................just how good are they?

    Most Les Paul Studios have the same maple cap as a Standard or a Custom. Some are all mahogany, as are some Customs. Truly, the only real difference between a Les Paul Custom and a Studio is the binding and the gold. Some Studios even came with the gold. I think they can play even better since...
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    EV in LSC/LSS Ultimate Blues Setup?

    Try a Maverick, you lose the 5-15 watt options but the rectifier circuit is much more robust and YOU decide when to use tube or solid state rectification. A great amp for any roots music and underrated = less money. EV is a great speaker, have not tried one in my Mav but have owned several. I...