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  1. D

    Mark IIC+ power / standby switch question

    Cheers guys! I ended up buying these: They look like NOS and from what I can see look the closest to the OG switch on the...
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    Mark IIC+ power / standby switch question

    this mismatch is killing me
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    Mark IIC+ power / standby switch question

    omg I didn't even think of this - thank you!
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    Mark IIC+ power / standby switch question

    Hey legends, My 2C+ had to get its standby switch replaced and the tech used one that works fine but just looks a little different to the original and doesn't match the power switch now. I'm pretty sure the switch is available from mesa...
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    Mark IIC+ Reverb switching question

    Just thinking now - I might need to use a TRS and have the REV closing on the ring
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    Mark IIC+ Reverb switching question

    I have a IIC+ with reverb only. When I plug a regular TS latching switch into the jack on the underside of the amp, switching it on and off just makes the reverb go between where it's set and then a little quieter. Not really turning it off. Do I need a TRS jack on the switch? My...
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    Mark III Fan

    I tried a different fan in my IV and IIC+ and didn't really find any difference in noise levels. The main thing I found is that the noise is really coming from how it's mounted to the cabinet / chassis. I ended up putting some rubber washers on the bolts / screws to decouple it and it made a...
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    NAD: Mark iic+

    Absolutely, Mark is the best. I was put onto him by Ivan Gambale I believe (From Pro Audio, the Mesa reps here in in Aus) They are both in regular contact with Randall and Mike and have been working on/with Mesa gear since the 80's Apparently a lot of the information and details of things to...
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    NAD: Mark iic+

    Ha yes! He gave it an amazing clean too. Was interesting to compare the before and after pics!
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    NAD: Mark iic+

    UPDATE: Was looking into the getting this amp overhauled and was put in contact with a tech here in Australia (on advice from the MESA importer) who is a certified MESA tech and has been working on the amps for 30-40 years. There was nothing wrong with the amp, I just wanted to do a...
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    Using Mark IV as can for another head

    yep easy, exactly as you described. I've done this with my IV combo for ages with different amps, I soldered on a longer cable to the speaker terminals so it could reach up to another amp sitting on top of the combo or nearby
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    NAD: Mark iic+

    ah right, that would make sense then, thanks for the insight! Sort of looks like there are two date markings on the bottom of this, one in 83 and one in 84 I've just completely retubed it with Mesa branded 12ax7's and a 6L6/EL34 combo in the power amp and it is virtually silent in terms of...
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    NAD: Mark iic+

    Thanks guys, Any thoughts on that low serial number? Am I right in believing that Mkiib's had a different serial number format? This might be one of the earliest iic's that went into production? I'm thinking I'll definitely sell the IV now, will be sad but can't justify keeping both of them...
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    NAD: Mark iic+

    that would be great if you've got one specific to the iic+ I could only find this one on the mesa site: my email is: [email protected] Thanks!
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    NAD: Mark iic+

    Ah, yes I probably should have bothered to read the manual! I do have a boogie rev switch already that I used with the IV so I'll keep it for the ii It's great how the channel switch pulls power from the amp to light the LED. I ended up modding by rev footswitch with a switch with more poles...
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    NAD: Mark iic+

    I've got a modded GE-7 that I've been trying out (sniper mod for less noise, higher quality opamps etc.) So far I'm actually completely fine without any graphic eq though. What I used to use it for was to tame high or low end in general on a tone that was pulled (mostly in the studio so was...
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    Mk IV (Rev A) Reverb problem

    Buy a new tank! I've replaced the tank in my IV twice now, sometimes the tiny wires on the transformers inside the tank break due to movement. New tank is only about $40 or so.
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    NAD: Mark iic+

    Picked this one up yesterday. DRX, Hardwood/Wicker Serial number is 10918. Has the + above the power cord and an initial from PC on 8/84 on the base of the amp. I'm guessing this is an early IIC that was upgraded in '84 Has the RP11A preamp board, pull deep and passes loop test. Sounds...
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    Is this a c+

    Legend, thanks for looking into that. Thought as much by the low number and no + mark. I'll keep searching!
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    Is this a c+

    Sorry if this isn't allowed but I'm looking into trying to get a c+ combo. This one has a serial well below the usual 12400/500 starting point for c+'s and it looks like there is no + marked above the power inlet. Any thoughts...