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  1. C

    Mark IIc mods/upgrades

    I had a IIC. I traced out its schematic. Then I sent it to Boogie for the upgrade to the IIC+. Then, when I came back, I traced out most of its new schematic. The IIC schematic is quite different than the IIC+. In fact, depending on your view of the (pre-amp) world, the IIC is a freak in...
  2. C

    Post removed.

    To PhotiG, There are a number of mods that can be done to move a Mark III lead tone to be more smooth and less sizzling and fizzy. The mods are all pretty easy and a large of number different techs could do it for you. Search this board for "Mark III Mod" and you'll get a number of posts with...
  3. C

    Bugera Mark Clone amp! Holy Likely Lawsuit Batman!!!

    Yeah, our trade deficit with China is huge. No doubt. They don't really buy much of our stuff. Data for trade to China (reference here) is below. As far as I can tell, this is for goods do not seem to be included. U.S. Trade of goods with China Year 2006 2007...
  4. C

    Bugera Mark Clone amp! Holy Likely Lawsuit Batman!!!

    Actually, those dollars in China come right back to the US...either as buying our products or services (hah!) or by buying our government debt. Since they won't buy our products/services, they don't have much left to buy except our debt. Hence, they've bought a lot of it, which is why the...
  5. C

    Bugera Mark Clone amp! Holy Likely Lawsuit Batman!!!

    This is the part that I was trying to get at. America is a large place. Why do you draw the "us" versus "them" line at America's borders? Why is Joe in California more worthwhile than a Cho in Taiwan? Where I live, we do a lot more trade with the folks in Quebec (that would be Canada) than...
  6. C

    Bugera Mark Clone amp! Holy Likely Lawsuit Batman!!!

    I live in the North East. What's the difference between me sending my money 3000 miles to California or 7000 miles to China? If I buy that Chinese amp in the North East, 50% goes to the local store and distributor and shipping company, another 25% goes to the west coast (U.S.) wholesaler and...
  7. C

    Mark III +

    Nice RCS initials! Chip
  8. C

    Getting my C++ back from Mesa today

    So what do people see here? I see a big old relay sitting on top of v2. I see a ceramic cap on that relay along with a resistor or two. Cathode bypass cap? Then I see a couple sets of twisted pair wire going off to the power tubes. One sets goes to the back left power tube socket, where...
  9. C

    MK IV and Mesa STR 420 tubes?

    Any recommendations for power tubes my IIC that was upgrade to a IIC+? When MikeB did the upgrade last year, he dropped in a new pair of gray-label Mesa 440s. I've always felt the clean channel could sound a bit more lively (compared to by Fender Deluxe Reverb Re-issue) and wondered if the...
  10. C

    Should I trade my trem'o'verb to a mk. IIc

    I totally agree with the previous post that the built-in EQ has a unique design. It does sound pretty transparent when set flat...unlike some other pedals. There are those around here, however, who believe that all the EQ versions of Mark I and Mark II sound worse than their EQ counterparts...
  11. C

    Should I trade my trem'o'verb to a mk. IIc

    Two potential issues: (1) Is that IIC really simul-class? Were any Mark IIC's simul-class? I am NOT an expert on when simul-class was introduced by Mesa. But, of the few Mark IIC's that I know of (mine was one, for example), they had all been either 60 or 100W non-simul-class versions. If...
  12. C

    Factory Mark IIC++ Models

    So if it is foot-switchable as well as switchable from the mid pull-pot, it must be actuating an LDR or relay (like with channel switching via its footswitch or pull-pot). If some LDR/Relays are involved, lots of changes could be happening in the amp. That makes it harder to guess about what...
  13. C

    Factory Mark IIC++ Models

    If it is the cathode bypass cap, I'm also curious what value they chose... 1) They could have gone with something 10-20 uF, which would have given a full-frequency boost. This might make things a little tubby, but the lead sound might be really liquid. 2) They could have gone with...
  14. C

    Factory Mark IIC++ Models

    Yeah, I'm familiar with a lot of the conjecture over the "C++", the "Hetfield (Metallica) Mod", and the "Pretrucci Mod". I'm also familiar with the numerous ways that gain in a C+ can be increased (boogiebabies has had lots of good comments in this area on other threads). The addition of the...
  15. C

    Factory Mark IIC++ Models

    Dang! I thought that I was the only one who thought to put a pull pot for the mid on my IIC(+). Dang! I guess there's nothing new under the sun. I've got my mid pull pot bringing in a 2.2u cathode cap on V2A (well, what would be V2A for most people). It sure does add a lot of saturation...
  16. C

    Mark IV Incoming!!!

    Man, great reply about the Electra Dyne. Thanks so much. Your last comment...about the Road a very strong statement in the Electra Dyne's favor. Wow. Thanks for taking the time. I appreciate it. Chip
  17. C

    Green Stripe vs. No Stripe

    Assuming that you've got the right tubes in there, it's my opinion that the Mark III wasn't working right. Based on the description of an AC/DC level of gain, it sounds like some of the LDRs weren't switching the lead circuit into the signal path. Another piece of evidence is when the...
  18. C

    Mark IV Incoming!!!

    Primal, What do you think of that Electradyne compared to the IV and V? How long have you had it? Will it stand the test of time? Chip
  19. C

    Power filters?

    Hi All, I live in a house from the early 50s. My guitar amps have intermittent noise problems. It's a humming/buzzing noise that comes and goes depending upon the day and depending upon the time of day. I have two guitars (Strat and Les Paul) and two amps (a boogie and a fender, both tube)...
  20. C

    Mark lll Lead Drive question

    The flow chart above is best for understanding R1 and the Lead Channel. R2 is not illustrated very well by this chart because the flow path for R2 and R1 are extremely similar. There is no obvious and dominating "side branch" like there is for the Lead Channel. IMO, the best way to understand...