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The Boogie Board

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  1. C

    Mark 2c+/3 video

    I liked the "amp porn" comment...and I, too, am an addict. Last night I even spent an hour surfing youTube for clips of synths. Wow. I've lowered myself to watching keyboard porn. I've got a problem. :) Chip BTW, this clip of Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater) jamming on a Harken Continuum is...
  2. C

    New to the Board with a iic+ problem

    Hi There, I think that it's supposed to be a 2W 1K resistor. Man, it looks kinda nasty in there. Why are all of your orange drop capacitors got that black tinge to them? Has this thing been gigged in smoky environments for most of its life? Sorry, buddy. Good luck with the repair...
  3. C

    Got a Mark III at a good deal

    If you're buying at Daddy's Junky Music, are you in New England somewhere? If you travel to us, and if you supply the potentiometer and knob from Mesa, maybe one of us New Englanders could install the pot for you for the price of a beer... Just a thought. I'm in southern Vermont... Chip
  4. C

    What REALLY is the difference between the mark IV and V?

    Actually, this isn't quite true. Your general point that Fender tone controls are more effective (meaning, they can have more effect on the amount of bass and treble) than the Marshall tone stack is definitely a true point. It is merely that your interpretation of the circuit that is correct...
  5. C

    Mark IIB Gain/Footpedal

    Wow, that's a nice and clean schematic. Thanks for sharing. The location of the effects loop is the same as I saw in my schematic. I just don't understand how putting a volume pedal in that effects loop would affect the amount of gain/distortion...except, as I mentioned, any distortion...
  6. C

    Mark IIB Gain/Footpedal

    What I think is interesting, is that the schematics on the web for the Mark IIB, do not seem to suggest that this volume-pedal-as-gain-control should work. Here's one for (I think) a Mark IIb: Note that the effects loop comes...
  7. C

    VIDEO: Lone Star vs Stiletto vs Electra Dyne

    I really liked the video format a lot. Great work and nicely done. I liked the way it just cut from amp to amp with no stopping in between. That was great. To my ears, the Stiletto sounded best. But, I think that's because it also sounded loudest through my headphones (decent...
  8. C

    Boogie cleans

    In my opinion, your ability to obtain a Fender-like clean tone is highly dependent upon what speaker you're using. I have a Mark IIC(+), a Triaxis/2:90, and a Fender 65 deluxe reverb reissue. I've taken all three amps and swapped them around to different speakers including the Jensen in the...
  9. C

    Fixing/modding/making better my MKIII simul combo need help

    The comment "decays too quickly" sounds like the amp has a problem. Is there a store around with a Mark III or Mark IV? Compare the sound of your amp to either one of those. Is it tremendously different or basically the same? If it is really different, you've got a broken amp. Most likely a...
  10. C

    Mark V and the Vintage Board Opinion

    Hi all ye from the "Vintage Board". Given that the Mark V is not a IIC+, what are your opinions on the Mark V? I have a IIC upgraded to a IIC+ and it's a fine amp. I'm not expecting the Mark V to replace that. But, I'm looking for that "other" sound in addition to my classic boogie lead and...
  11. C

    Bugera Mark Clone amp! Holy Likely Lawsuit Batman!!!

    Besides the removal of the "Vol 1" control on the lead channel, why do you feel that the Mark V is not really a "Mark" amp? I don't have a Mark V, so I'm not getting all huffy and trying to defend it. I have been considering it, however, so I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks, Chip...
  12. C

    Going past Petaluma...

    Is Randall's room of dinosaur bones (ie, historic and prototype amps) part of the tour? That would be cool. Chip
  13. C

    Going past Petaluma...

    Hi All, I'm an East Coast guy...but a week from now I'm heading to California for 3 weeks with my wife for some serious chillin. It turns out that we'll be heading right through Petaluma. Now I'm not usually a huge fan of stopping into places that aren't used to dealing with tourists and...
  14. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    If you have two Mark V, don't you have a Mark X? Chip
  15. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    So are we all agreeing that the biggest limitation of the triaxis is the pluralization problem? There are just too many good choices! Chip
  16. C

    EVM-12L's + Which other speakers?

    I have a Mark IIC (upgraded to +) combo. It has an EVM in it. I also have a Mesa 1x12 Thiele (ie, closed back) cab that came with an EVM. I've spent a little time playing around with speakers, but sadly I only have a few different ones on hand. The only speakers I had to play with were EVM...
  17. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    MesaGod666, I see that you have two traxis's (how does one even pluralize "triaxis"?). Do you use them both at once? Sweet! Or do you use them in separate rack systems? Also, I see that you have a combo as well as rack gear. When do you decide to use one over the other? What are the...
  18. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    Good call. Needlessly inflammatory on my part. Sorry. As for me being hotheaded, I thought that my focus had been on technical issues and on furthering a discussion about pro vs non-pro players. I'm sorry if you found that to be hotheaded. I do agree that my comments (like the one above)...
  19. C

    Triaxis advice

    When I first got my triaxis, I played it for about 3 years through my Roland JC-77. I loved that sound. The JC-77 was a little too underpowered to play with a drummer though. I've got some recordings from some jam sessions and, man, was it straining. I eventually got a 2:90 and had no more...
  20. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    In Defense of Crate...sorta... The first live guitar tone that totally inspired me was a guitarist playing a Crate. I was stupid and 17 and in high school. It was a battle of the bands (do they even have those any more?). The guitarist played with such abandon, such inspiration, such tone...