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  1. C

    Metallica tone with MKIV

    Listening on my laptop speakers this morning, I thought that the difference in tone was surprisingly dramatic. The Mark IV recording definitely had that classic Metallica sound (MOP, Black) whereas the Recto recording sounded a bit more generic. What caught my ear was that the Mark IV had such...
  2. C

    New guy here.

    The EVM isn't working, eh? That's too bad. The EVM is really part of the classic sound. Not saying you can't sound awesome with a different speaker...many people's just that the EVM is so classic with that amp, that it's sad that you weren't able to get a feel for it before trying...
  3. C

    Less Gain For Lead Channel?

    You went 500pf, huh? Very interesting. Again, I don't have a Mark III, but on my IIC->IIC+, I modded the amp to made this cap switchable so that I could try different values. Prior to my mod, I actually felt that my IIC+ was a little too smooth. I wanted more sizzle. So, I opened her up...
  4. C

    New guy here.

    One of the interesting things that I seem to remember about my old IIC (my memory could be wrong) is that the pull-shift on the Treble know would work even in the rhythm (clean) channel. That doesn't happen on the IIC+. It was kinda fun to have this flexibility. With it pulled, it gave even...
  5. C

    New guy here.

    If shipping from Australia is too pricey or too slow, you could buy some plane tickets and bring them as carry-on baggage for the overhead bin! Removed from their chassis, they'd fit nicely. Think of it as expensive shipping plus a free trip to California! :) Ooo! Alternatively, maybe you...
  6. C

    Less Gain For Lead Channel?

    Hey Boogiebabies, Good to see you around! I think that the OP has a III+. Isn't that 1000pF cap the heart of the III+ mod? If MikeB doesn't do that, what does he do? Chip
  7. C

    New guy here.

    You can also get replacement footswitches from Mesa... Chip
  8. C

    New guy here.

    Yeah, it hasn't been $200 for a long time. If you're contemplating the change, you'll want to call Mesa directly. They're pretty used to handling this particular call. If you ask for a price, they won't give a specific value, but will give a range...they'll probably say $250-$400, depending...
  9. C

    New guy here.

    Hey, It's even simulclass! Nice work. I bet that there aren't many IIC's left on this earth. I think that many people (like me) picked up a IIC to get it converted to a IIC+. You, too, could do that (with an additional $400-600 bucks and a trip to Petaluma), but it's nice knowing that...
  10. C

    Less Gain For Lead Channel?

    I don't have a Mark III, but I have a Mark IIC that was upgraded to a IIC+. Looking at your knob settings, you've got your Treb/Bass/Mid set for a pretty thick lead setting. With the treble pulled and with that much bass and mids, you're gonna get some really substantial saturation, even at...
  11. C

    Old Mesa Boogie @ the studio right now!

    That's a cool from-the-stage concept pic. I like it. The listing of concert dates also looks impressive, but it does span 4 years. It works out to be about 50 shows a year. Pretty respectable, especially given the size of some of the venues. Still, he'd have to be convinced to become Mark...
  12. C

    Old Mesa Boogie @ the studio right now!

    Is Hetfield playing Mark V's these days? Or is he only playing Rectifiers and his old IIC+'s? Also, (this is not intended as a flame) does anyone care what Hetfield does anymore? Would he move amplifiers? Chip
  13. C

    Old Mesa Boogie @ the studio right now!

    They do/did make the Triple Rectifier, which is a 6-tube 150W monster much like the Colosseum. So, it's not completely impossible that they could resurrect the Colosseum. They clearly haven't abandoned the super-high-power class of amps. But I do find it highly unlikely that they would bring...
  14. C

    MK IIc+ v. MK III Blue Stripe

    Hey lesterpaul, How'd the trial with the Fender Deluxe Reverb go? I have a reissue (modded) and I actually find myself playing it a fair bit more than my IIC to IIC+ boogie. Especially with my strat. For many types of sounds, it's dynamics and looseness just feel way more natural and right...
  15. C

    Is it ok to remove the slave pot from a mark iic+?

    I have removed the slave pot from my IIC+. It's not a problem at all. I would also caution against putting in a bias pot. You could maybe (maybe) put in one of those recessed pots that require a screwdriver (instead of a pot with a knob on it), but I still don't like the idea of the bias...
  16. C

    Liquid Lead - IIC or V?

    The IIC and the IIC+ are totally different animals...well, they're still Mark-series amps, but the IIC is unique among all the Mark amps. It's not like the IIB and it's not like the's different. I had a IIC and after a few months a sent it in to Mesa along with a decent-sized check...
  17. C

    Anybody ever try a V30 in a Thiele?

    I've got a V30 in my Thiele. It originally came with a EVM12L. I drive it with my 60/100W Mark IIC (upgraded to +) combo. I hardly ever use the Thiele by itself...I almost always use it with the speaker in te open-back combo. When I first got the Thiele, I felt that that the two together...
  18. C

    Mark IIC (not IIC+) draft schematic

    Hi All, To anyone who still cares, I got a PM asking about my IIC (not IIC+) schematic. So, I dug it out again and saw that I had updated it without uploading it. So, if you want the latest version, the link is below. Note that there is now a page 1 (preamp) and a page 2 (power amp, EQ and a...
  19. C

    The pull function on a Mark III's Bass knob...

    An interesting thing to do with humbucker guitars is to pull the bass knob and then turn the lead channel gain way way down. Like 2-3 on the lead drive. With my guitar and my amp (IIC+, not III), I'm talking settings like: Vol1: 6-7 ("pull bright" is to taste) Treb: 6-7 pulled Bass: 2-3...
  20. C

    The pull function on a Mark III's Bass knob...

    The pull switch on the Bass knob adds an additional bypass capacitor to the cathode of the first tube stage. The effect is to change the amount of bass passing through that first stage. Pulled gives more bass, Pushed gives less. The first tube stage is shared by all 3 channels, so it will...